Chapter 9

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||I'm okay||

Your POV
I sit down in front of the tent. This has been a crazy day. I kinda feel bad about leaving Ginny, Neville, Luna, Dean...basically everyone I care about. Then hear someone sit next to me, I look next to me and see Hermoine "Hey" She says "Hey" I say. I look back into the darkness "Are you okay?" She asks "Yeah. It was a rough day" she nods. I look at her "We are so dead aren't we?" I ask her "If they find us? Yes." She says "Good to know I am going to die soon." I say before looking away again. She wraps her arm around me "We'll be okay, Y/N." "I was talking about Harry and Ron too ya know." I tell her "What? Why would they kill us?" She asks me confused. I giggle "One day they will find out about it. And I'm afraid that one of us will tell them at one point." "They are good at pushing us over the edge." She says. I nod "And we are still stuck with those two. That is why we have to look out for what we say." She nods "You do know that you will have to tell them one day." She tells me "I will! When this war is over." I say. I get out my wan "Expecto Patronum" I whisper. My Patronus appears slowly "Why did you do that?" I look at her and then back at my Patronus "Draco Malfoy" I whisper before it runs away. I hug my legs "Why are you sending it to Draco?" Moine asks "I want to let him know I'm okay. He'll understand the message." I tell her. I lie my head down on her shoulder "I wish Dumbledore was here to help us." I say "We all do. But we're going to do this and we won't fail!" "How are you so sure? Ron is staggered, Harry is chasing things that aren't here and you are sad." "Why would I be sad? This situation isn't the best but I am not sad, I just want it to be over." " You are sad that your parents don't remember you. Come on Moine, don't pretend like it isn't true." I say "It isn't. Can we just change the subject? Please?" She asks "Okay!" I say. Hermoine is really sad and I hate it when she tries to hide it or when she tried to hide it from me. Then I hear something behind us "What are you two talking about?" Harry asks "Nothing much, how's Ron doing?" I asked "He's asleep. For now." He says sitting next to me.

Draco POV
I slide down against my door. Crying. My mother doesn't understand me. I should've been more careful. She is going to tell Father, there is no doubt about that! I thought I could trust her "Draco, come out here!" she says "No! You are going to tell everything to Father!" I tell her "I won't! Draco I'm your mother, you can trust me!" "You can't trust anyone these days." I say. After that, there was a deadly silence. I looked into my room and saw something bright. It got brighter and brighter "Draco? Draco what's happening in there?" I hear my mother asks me worried. She tries to open the door but I locked it "Draco! Draco let me in! What is going on!!" I walk towards the light. Then Y/P (Your Patronus) appears.  "She's okay" I whisper. When my mother opens the door with her magic it disappears again "What was that?" She asks "Y/N's Patronus...She's okay." I whisper. I can hear her walking closer to me "Draco you don't know that." "I do!! That was her Patronus!" "That doesn't mean she's okay" I sigh. She puts her hands on my shoulders "And I won't tell your father about this, I promise" She says.

Your POV
It's really cold this night, very dark too. I hope Draco got my message, and if he did is he going to look for me? If he finds me I'm dead. Maybe it was a bad idea to do it...He hates muggle-borns! How did I ever fall in love with this guy? I know he will never feel the same about me! He's ashamed of people like me, how could he ever create feelings for me? 

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