Chapter 25

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|| Hello Darkness my old friend||

Draco POV
I stare at the ceiling. Why did I do this? Why didn't I take her somewhere more safe? Why didn't I do something when I had the chance? Why didn't I? I can't stand the feeling of her not being here anymore. And not just her being dead but also her not being here in the is room, safe and sound, peacefully sleeping in my arms, no more dark lord or people that want to kill her. But it's too late. I would give anything to bring her back. I stare into the darkness, why does it feel like the night can't hurt you? Why does it feel like darkness is the only friend everyone has. The friend they can trust. The friend that won't leave you. Darkness, please, tell me, why does it hurt so much? Why did it hurt so much to lose her? Why did it hurt me? Why does it still hurt? If you took that girl with you why didn't you take me as well? Darkness please I beg you, take me there. Bring me to her. I won't miss leaving earth, the magical world or my family. As long as I can be with her. Can't I just kill myself? Would that put me out of my misery? Would I be reunited with her? But I will probably end up in hell for everything I did. She...She's in heaven right now. being the angel she is. I could Always try..., right? Darkness please answer me...ANSWER ME!!!

I get snapped out of my thoughts by the door opening. And my Aunt Bellatrix walking inside "What are you doing here? I told everyone to stay out and leave me alone! Especially you!" I remind her "Draco..." She starts "OUT!!" I yell and feel the tears coming again "Are you deaf?! OUT!!" "Draco, it's me." She says "I know it's you." I say and lie on my stomach "No, Draco, it's me...Y/N." She says. I look at her even angrier "Aunt Bella, I am not like you. I don't joke when people just died." I say "This isn't a joke! Draco, you have to believe me." She says. Then I noticed her voice sounding a little bit like Y/N "Can't be. Y/N is dead, you cut her throat yourself!" I say "Draco, please... I risked so much to come here, please believe me." She begs and I see tears coming from her eyes "Y/N?" I ask her "Yes..." She says. I quickly get off the bed and hug her "I can't believe this, you were are you here? L-Like this? H-How?" I ask her "That's a long story and I don't remember all of it." She says. I cup her cheeks and wipe away her tears "Thank god you're alive." I say "Thank god you're still here." She says. We smile at each other before pressing our lips against each other.

A/N: So...this chapter was a little deeper than expected or planned. Well, I hope you like it!

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