Chapter 52

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||Nineteen Years Later||

Your POV
I walk after my son as we walk on platform 9 3/4. This is his first year at Hogwarts! I am so proud of him! "Mom, look at that!" My son says and points at a fireball that was flying past us. I heard a low chuckle behind me "Magic is Magical isn't it?" Draco smiles and walks towards me and our son. We continue to walk on the platform, my son was very excited to go to Hogwarts but he's going to miss me and Draco "Draco, could you please bring his suitcase to the train?" I ask him. He nods and takes our son's suitcase to the train. I look down at my son, he looks deeply into my eyes and starts to cry. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly "I'm going to miss you." He says "I'll miss you too, Scorpius." I tell him and kiss his forehead "But I'm sure you're going to make a lot of friends and forget all about your father and me. You're going to have so much fun!" I tell him. He looks up at me "You really think so?" He asks "I know so." I say and give him another hug. Draco returned and noticed that our son had cried "Hey, you have nothing to worry about. We will write to you as much as possible alright?" He tells him. Scorpius nods and hugs his father "You're going to be a great wizard." Draco tells him. I put my hand on his shoulder "Now, don't forget what I told you, don't be like your father and cause too much trouble." I tell him "And if you do get in trouble, or if one of the other kids is picking on you, what do we say?" Draco asks him. Scorpius thought for a second before answering "My father will hear about this!" He says and starts laughing "Good boy. Goodbye." We say and have a family hug. Scorpius walks into the train and waves us goodbye before disappearing.

The train left and we stood there. Watching our son leave to attend Hogwarts. Draco held my hand "He will be fine." He tells me "I know he will. I'm worried about us, what are we going to do without him?" I ask him. I see him smirk "No." I tell him "I was kidding." He says "What are we going to do when he gets a girlfriend?" I ask him "Don't know." He answers "What if it's a muggle-born like me?" I ask. Draco was quiet before he started running after the train "What are you doing?" I yell after him "I haven't told him how to flirt with Muggle-borns yet!!" He yells back. I walk towards Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Hermione looked at me "That was very unexpected." She says "It was, just like our whole relationship, unexpected." I answer.

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