Chapter 37

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||Not Breathing||

Draco POV
Y/N has been 'Dead' for almost an hour now. I am getting a little worried "When are we bringing her back?" I ask him "Patients, Mr. Malfoy." He tells me "No! Enough with the waiting. I want her back! Now!" I tell him "You don't tell me what to do. I tell you what to do! Got it?!" He says rather angry "Y-Yes sir." I stutter. I look back at Y/N's body. Her cheeks are getting paler, her lips are getting lighter, her skin is getting colder. All those signs are freaking me out. What if we can't bring her back? I won't be able to live with myself if that happens. Probably because it's my fault. I should've listened to her. Suddenly, Snape turned away from her "She's dead." He said, "I know that, but are you bringing her back or not?" I ask him "You don't understand Mr. Malfoy. She's dead, I cannot bring her back." He says. I stand there paralized. She's dead? No, she can't be! It's not possible, she promised me she wouldn't go into the tunnel towards the white light. Why did she break her promise? "Bring her back. Do whatever you could possibly think of, I'll do anything." I tell him "You don't understand. There is nothing I can do. It's over." He says "No! She is not dead! You are going to bring her back!" I tell him "I can't do that. And I would really appreciate it if you would take her dead body off the desk now." He says with a poker face "So that's it? You are leaving her for dead?! You told me you would help her." I say tears are coming into my eyes "I also told you that it could get her killed. And it did. She isn't waking up, even if there was a spell to bring her back, you wouldn't want her to come back." He says "How would you know?! You never lost someone you loved!" I yell. He looks away and sighs "I suggest you leave now." He says "But..." "LEAVE!!" He yells

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