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Niall's POV:

i cant belive it, i thought to myself as Sapphire just finished telling me what happened to her and Stephnie, what is her crazy uncle deal, seriously what did they ever do to him, it was their mother and father who did something to him but not her or her sister.

"w.o.w" was all i could say as i stared into her eyes while we were sitting in the lounge room.

i watched as my beautiful mate and Harry's talked together in privacy.

SAPPHIRE'S FATHER'S POV: *before they went back home*

I cannot believe what happened to my two little princesses, how did he find them, i mean the only way her could have found them is if they had sex. wait they didnt did they?

i sighed as i watched my two angels huging my beautiful mate and their mother in the door way of my office. i missed those two so much.

i know it was mine and my mates fualt that we didnt see them but all we wanted to do was keep them safe, and from what i know they already know that.

i cannot believe my brother would do that to me and my family.

i sat in my office chair in a comfotable silence only to hear the sniffles of my wife and daughters crying.

'ALPHA' i her my Beta Peter yell through the mind link, crap whats happened?

i felt my eyes cloud over as i went to the mind link to talk to Peter.

'yes?' i asked confused.

'there are intruders on the eastside of the bounderies' i hear him say crap.

'bring them to my office' i yell in my alpha voice before i hear a yes sir and the link closes.

i felt my eyes un cloud. as my eye sight came back i could see three identical faces staring at me.

"you two look just like your mother" i say as i relaxed again in my chair.

i hear the two of them giggle before hearing an angelic voice.

"but has your heart" my mate giggled at me.

"so why are you guys hear in a massive mansion and not in a little house like everyone else?" i hear Sapphire ask whilst looking around the massive room we were sitting in.

"well you see.." i was interupted by my study doors slamming open.

"PETER WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT KNOCKING" I yell at him in my alpha voice

"sorry Alpha" he replies before dumping the two intruders on the ground and walking out making sure to close the door behind him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY TERRITORY?" i ask the two cowering wolves that were sprawled out on the ground.

"Alpha King, we found your daughters, and they were taken from the bedrooms of our sons, and no our sons or their mates weren't in the room at the time" i hear them say before i turned to face my two daughters and wife.


*I hope you like it. im sorry if it isnt good i had writers block earlier.*

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