Chapter twentyseven

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Emily's POV:

I couldn't help it, I knew what was to come but the tears betrayed me and fell down my cheek ad I lay next to niall cuddled into his chest. I could tell I was making his top really wet as I felt it move away from me and start to stick to his chest. God his chest was so good.

I smiled slightly as I remembered the night that made me and nial become closer then I have ever been with anyone. I didn't actually mean for anything to happen between me and him but I couldn't help it I was and still am so attracted to him. Is that even possible?

I sighed ad I started to settle down and the flow of tears stopped.

"Niall?" I asked as if I wanted to ask him something.

"Yeah?" I hear his sweet voice ask before I feel him look down to me.

"Why do you want me? Why are you still here? And why do you care so much about me?" I ask as a solitary tear slid down my face.

I feel a hand grab my chin before it pulled my face up to face the adorable face of Niall.

"Why am I still here? Because I couldnt imagine life without you, not since I saw your face in a crowd of people, the first time I saw you I know I had to have you all to myself. Why do I want you? Because you are an amazing beautiful talented person who stole my heart at first glance. And why do I carte so much about you? Because you are the only thing between me and death, you saved me from falling, from becoming the devil himself" I hear him finish before a couple of tears slid down my cheek.

I watched as he bent down towards me face and kissed my cheeks before opening his mouth "don't cry baby" I hear him sweetly say.

I leaned forward and kissed his lips sweetly before sitting up normally and sliding to the edge of the bed.

"Emily, I ... I love you" I hear Niall's voice say as my heart skipped a beat.

I stood up and took a step towards the door.

Niall's POV:

I said it I can't believe I actually said it I thought as my heart sped up.

I watched as tamika stood up and took a step towards the door. My smile faded as I realized I said the wrong thing and that she was just about to walk out the door.

I closed my eyes to stop the dwelling tears from leaving my eye sockets.

A couple of seconds later I felt a pair of soft lips attatch to mine. I quickly opened my eyes to see Emily bending down to my height and her lips attetched to mine. I left my eyes to close whilst I kissed her back with so much passion.

We pulled away needing to breathe before I heard the threes words come out of her mouth that I was hoping for. "I love you to."

*sorry for the long time, so Emily did say it. Comment what you think. Vote if you like. I would love to know what you think :) x*

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