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Sapphire's POV:

I stared as I found out who gripped my arm, sparks flight up and down my arm and to top that I was feeling really weird. I looked into Niall's eyes before I fell to the ground and blackness took over.

Niall's POV:

"Sapphire, please wait" I plead as I run to try and catch up to her. I saw her turn her head to face me before turning to watch were she is walking, she then started walking that little bit faster.

Why is she trying to avoid me? I asked myself before sprinting up to her. I grabbed her arm before pulling her to face me.

She looked shocked at first before relaxing her face muscles. Sparks were flying all through my hand, which I found weird as this has never happened before. I let my hand slip away and land by my side before looking into her eyes.

As I looked into her eyes all the pasted through them were confusion, her eyes were set with confusion.

All of a sudden she fell to the ground, I had no clue what had just happened, but I had to get help. My wolf was howling at me and I tried my best not to break down and cry.

I quickly picked Sapphire up off of the ground and carried her bridal style towards the school nurse.

I quickly kicked the door open and laid her on the bed set up for patients.

"Niall, what are you doing here?" Nurse Indi asked me with a confusion written across her face.

"Help, please" I said in an almost whisper.

"What's wrong?" She asked with concern laving her voice.

"My mate, she fell and blacked out, I don't know what's wrong" I said as a single tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away as Indi walked towards Sapphire.

Yes Indi is a wolf, but not everyone is.

Stephnie's POV:

Sapphire didn't turn up to the last two periods of the day. I dont know what's wrong with her, but I hope she is ok.

I started to walk towards the school doors before a voice called my name from down the hallway.

I turned around to see Sapphire running towards me with a stack of paper in her hands.

"Sapphire, where were you?" I asked confusion lacing my voice.

"Watch!" She said before running towards the school doors.

Sapphire's POV:

I kicked the doors open and everyone instantly looked towards me. Now for the long awaited surprise.

"PARTY!" I screamed and chucked the flyers in the air.

I watched as everyone ran towards the flyers that were either floating to the ground or laying there awaiting there time to be picked up.

I twisted around to face Stephnie to see that she was in complete shock.

I walked up to her with a big grin plastered on my face.

"What about Rosella?" She asked suspiciously.

"Business trip" I smiled.

Niall's POV:

I turned to see who had just burst through the doors and to my surprise it was Sapphire, and to top it off she was carrying a stack of paper in her hands which made me even more confused then I already was.

"PARTY!" She screams out before throwing the stack of paper in the air.

I watched as the paper floated towards the ground.

Everyone scrambled around trying to see where the party was. I stood still and watched as a single sheet fell on the ground in front of me. I bent down and picked it up before standing up straight again and watched as Sapphire was looking at, I am guessing that is Stephnie, while smiling. I could tell she was smile because of her posture.

"Niall, I'm going with Sandra, she apparently needs to talk to me" Harry said while standing in front of me.

"Yeah ok, if you need me just call" I replied a little annoyed that he made me stop looking at Sapphire, that beauty, that kind hearted, no Niall stop!

She is making me go crazy.

I wonder if she has accepted my friend request or rejected it I thought go myself as I looked up and saw that she had disappeared. I looked around the carpark and saw that her car was gone.

I hoped into my car after standing there for a minute and drove off.

*sorry I took do long to update if anyone is actually reading my story. Ill try and update more xx :) *

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