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Niall's POV:

i layed Sapphire on my bed before kissing her forhead and walking down the stairs to find my parents, we need to talk.

"Mum, Dad?" i called out as i walked into the kitchen.

"no need to yell son" my father joked as he sat on the kitchen stool with a beer in his hands. isnt it a little early to drink? i asked myself before mentaly shrugging it off.

"we need to talk about Sapphire" i said sternly before i saw my mother nod sadly and my father freeze up.

"yes Sapphire is a hybrid and you need to know that you are too" my mother said before lowering her head and looking at the ground.

"you mean i am half vampire and half warewolf?" i asked shocked, but a little happy at the same time.

i watched as both of them nodded and looked in my direction "so is your brother" my mother smiled sadly.

"cool" i practically yelled out before i could stop myself.

i watched as my parents faces went from hard to conserned to shocked in a matter of seconds.

"but that wasnt what i wanted to talk to you about" i smiled as i know all that without even wanting to know.

"wait your telling me you didnt want to know that?" my mother asked as i chuckled and nodded my head.

"you should let me finish, you learnt your lesson i bet" i chuckled as i watched both of them nod even tho it was aimed aat my mother.

"now what did you want to know?" i heard my father say before i shook my head mentaly and turned to him.

"when i first smelled Sapphire's wolf it was strong, stronger then an alpha and i knew it was Sapphire's as her sent was mixed in it strongly" i said as i watched as my parents faces turned shocked before going hard.

"what is it?" i asked conserned.

"Niall, where is Sapphire's parents?" my mother asked quickly but quietly.

"i dont know, she lives with a carrer, why?" i asked sensing that something was wrong with my mate.

i watched as my mothers and fathers eyes glazed over with means that they are talking to each other, i tried to join in there conversation but they applyied walls so that no one could listen into the conversation.

"niall, me and your father need to go out of town for a couple of days, your incharge, keep Sapphire close and if she has siblings keep them inside at all times ok?" my father asked in his alpha tone and i nodded before thinking back to that Stephnie girl.

"wait i think Stephnie is Sapphire's sister" i said as my mother and father nodded to each other.

"keep Sapphire in your sights at all time and do not let her outside, i will explain this to harry to" my mother said using her luna tone.

i nodded before running up to my room.

Sapphire's POV:

i pried my eyes open before examining my surroundings.

where am i? i askekd myself before sitting up properly and noticing i was in a basement of some type of place. what?

i lifted my right hand up to wipe the sleep from my eyes but instead of it following what i was telling it to do i was laying there limply.

i screamed as i noticed all my limbs laying around me covered in blood.

i screamed again this time i actually woke up and found myself trying to sit up and covered in sweat.

i looked towards my arms and legs and found them attached to my body and the bed i was laying on.

i quickly turned to face my left foot and noticed it was chained tot he bed by what seemed to be silver, and to make matters worse it was burning me. i looked to see if any of my limbs were free from this burning chain but noticed that i was fully tied up to my bed.

"HELP HELP HELP" i screamed hoping that someone would hear me, wait Niall was with me "NIALL NIALL NIALL HELP ME PLEASE" i screamed out again before i heard a low voice chuckle.

"so sorry darling but the walls are sound proof so girls like you and that bitch over there cant be heard" i hear him say before i looked and saw Stephnie laying on a bed opposite to mine.

"where are we and who are you?" i asked venom dripping off my words.

"well lets just say Sapphire i am..."

*cliff hanger ... no where is Sapphire and Stephnie, whats happened to them and what are they? what is Niall and Harry going to do?*

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