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"Sapphire, i have to tell you something, a secret" Stephnie said with all seriousness in her voice.

"what is it? i'll keep it a secret" i said trying tomake her spit it out.

"Sapphire ..." she was interupted by a knock on the door. damn it, i wanted to fucking know what the secret is i thought as i stared at the door.

"what do you want Rosella?" i spat at the door.

the door opened a crack as Rosella popped her head in.

"did i say you could open the door?" i asked getting pissed at her, she likes to intrude into all my buissness.

"no, you didnt. but i came to tell you dinner is ready and Staphnie has to go home now" she said, knowidng i would get pissed off even more, well it worked.

by this time i had enough of Rosella, i hated her and i despretly wanted to punch her lights out.

"Stephnie does not have to go home, her home is with me! you do not have a right in telling my twin sister to go anywhere. she stays with me you bitch" i screamed at her.

"you little bitch, dont you dare ever again swear at me" Rosella screamed in my face.

"why not? you do it to me, and besides the fact you cannot tell me what to do, you are not and never will be my mother, your an evil bitch who deserves to burn in hell. you cannot say anything about me fucking swearing until you stop you bitch" i yelled knowing i pissed her off even more.

i smiled at the fact that i said things i have wanted to for ages to her, i never had the courage, she just took it too far.

i felt a sing on my left cheek before i blanked out.

Stephnie's POV:

Rosella slapped Stapphire's left cheek before punching her in the face, i watched as Sapphire fell to the ground, i was unable to move, i was shocked, how many times has Rosella layed a hand on Sapphire? i was asking myself this question over and over makign sure to leave a mental note to ask Sapphire when she awakens.

Rosella as an abusive carer, even if i only seen her do it once and dont know if she has done it before i hated when people hit kids. i had to stop her, i had to tell Sapphire the family secret, i had quite a bit to do, i aslo had to enrol, i mean i know i will get in because i am a straight A student but still its another thing to add to the long list that is already long.

i stood there giving Rosella the evil eye. "you BITCH!" i yelled at her. "your an abusive guardian" i shook my head at her.

"your one to talk" she smiled evily.

"Bitch please, i have never hit anyone enless they have deserved it and i have never hit anyone younger then me. and Sapphire did not deserve it. but i know who does" i said giving her the death glare.

"who?" she asked. what a dumb blonde i thought to myself, Rosella isnt even blonde she is still dumb i evily thought to myself.

"you" i said before punching her as hard as i could in the face.

she fell to the ground and i stood there laughing at her, i know that seems cruel but she is the biggest dick i have ever met.

when i was finished laughing i moved her out of the room so i could close the door.

i walked over to Sapphire after closing the door just as she started to open her eyes.

"Sapphire, thank god your alright!" i said smiling.

Sapphire's POV:

"Sapphire, thank god your alright!" Stephnie said smiling, the first thing i here is a good voice not a dicks voice.

i smiled as best i could before sitting up. "what happened?" i asked unsure of what happened after i yelled at her.

"well she slapped you across your left side of your face then punched you in the face which knocked you out. then i knocked Rosella out, does she oftern abuse you?" she asked after teling me what happened.

i got up completely ignoring her question and walked into the bathroom to see that my face had no marks and was still perfect. "WHAT THE FUCK" i yelled.

"whats wrong Saph?" Steph asked as she ran into the bathroom and looked at me.

"i have no marks on my face" i said scared, i didnt know what was happening.

"Sapphire, the secret" Stepphnie said giving me a questionable look.

"what is it?" i asked curiously.

"Saph, we are rich and ..." she paused effect or something.

"and?" i asked getting excited.

"we are vampires" she said seriously.

"haha good joke sis" i said patting her back. i watched her emotionless face not change from being serious "your not kidding are you?" i asked scared.

"nope, just think, you have bad temper and you never get a scratch on you" she said as my knees grew weak. she made me really nervous.

i screamed before walking into my room.

"Sapphire, i am so sorry, i had to tell you" she said despretly. i shook my head before walking out of the room.

Stephnie's POV:

i asked her and she didnt answer, maybe its true and she doesnt want anyone to know, not like i am going to tell anyone i mean who do i have to tell? i only have Sapphire and she knows the truth. i told her and didnt take it to well. i hear the front door slam before i sat on the chair near the student desk. i opened up Sapphires laptop before loading the school website. i smiled as i clicked on the link to apply to get into the shool, its amazing now that everything is done online.

i sat appling for the school for an hour before i finished.:

once i finished i shut the computer down before i looked at my phone 8:32pm i sighed as i realised that Sapphire wasnt home yet.

i tried reasoning to myself that nothing happened but i couldnt shake my mind from thinking it.

an hour later i recived a message, i opened it up to readit.

RE: your Application to Rosewood high has been read and you have been acepted, please be aware that you will start the soonest possible school date from today. i wish to advise you that if you are in any need for help please dont hesitate to contact us. we hope to see you soon, congratulations. yours Sincerly, Richard Vangoue, school Princple.

i smiled as i read the message again.

i heard the front door open an hour later, i heard it close before someone started walking up the stairs, thank god she is ok.

i smiled knowing my twin sister is ok, the door suddenly swung open revealing a very angry looking Sapphire

"i cannot believe her"

*thank you for reading, well we now know that she is a Vampire, ohh big twist up ahead, read more to find out what happens. please comment what you think*

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