Chapter Thirty - Stonesteeple

Start from the beginning

You want to be free to move about the room instead of being tied to one place having a conversation. Meeting everyone is very important. All of the people there will affect your Kingdom at one point or other.

Learn the faces, names, and influence each individual holds. Keep dances to one per partner." 

"Dances?" Briar Rose asked, her face the picture of confusion. 

"The waltz is the preference for coronations and most formal balls." 

"Waltz?" Briar Rose asked, growing alarmed as she considered that she had only ever danced with her Godmothers in their cottage sitting room and yard. 

Had they taught her the waltz at all? She ran through the names of the dances she had practiced, panicking as she realized that they always complained that they weren't as spry as they used to be. That they couldn't teach her some dances. Important dances.

"I'm not sure if I know the waltz, Sir Leonard." Briar Rose admitted after a few minutes. 

He frowned, leaning forward. "We have time to teach you. Come with me, both of you."

Sir Leonard went over to the piano in the corner of the room, asking the pianist to play a specific song. Once that was going her ordered Arthur to dance with Briar Rose.

"Me?" King Arthur protested, alarmed. "Sir Leonard, I haven't waltzed since I was a child. Surely I am not the best partner, as I can provide no instruction. Those lessons you made me take over the years since the Curse aren't practical because I was practicing without a partner!" 

"Exactly why the both of you need to practice now," he quipped, pointing to a spot on the dance floor before him. "None of the Lords we've visited have cared to indulge in dances on your behalf. When the time arises for you to dance, I will make certain that you are incredible." 

He instructed them both, making them stand before each other, holding one hand and one shoulder of the other. Then he showed Briar Rose a complicated foot pattern, making Arthur lead Briar Rose through those steps. 

"No, your foot will go to the left Briar Rose. Don't step so wide Arthur." 

Arthur was right when he said years of practice without a partner weren't practical. He was criticized almost as much as Briar Rose.

"Why is he critiquing you so much?" Briar Rose whispered so that Sir Leonard would not hear her after having gone through half an hour of critical instruction. 

"It is the responsibility of the male partner to lead the dance," Arthur admitted, biting his lip. "My steps help guide your steps. Learning the footsteps for your part will make it easier, but the lead partner adjusting to their partner is very important."

"Exactly right Arthur. Make those steps a little smaller," Sir Leonard commented, his ears uncannily sharp. Briar Rose wasn't entirely certain his animal transformation had left him. He was sneaky as a ferret and, though a human now, his skills had not diminished in the slightest. 

"He hears almost everything," Arthur whispered, holding back laughter as he made his steps smaller. "I swear, there were times I thought he must be a Wizard." 

"Not magic Arthur," Sir Leonard commented again, his eyebrows quirked above his dark blue eyes. "Pure skill." 

Briar Rose and Arthur started laughing, realizing that they wouldn't get away with saying anything because of his remarkable skill.

"Pierre has competition as your top reconnaissance," Briar Rose chuckled. 

"Who do you think taught the boy?" Sir Leonard admitted, puffing his chest out. "My students are always exemplary." 

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