Our rooms were conjoined by a door and I went in their room and I sat in bed with Tazer and he was watching some weird movie with Patrick.

We just hung out all day and I went to my room that night and there was a knock on the door. It was Auston.

"Hey baby.." He said

"Hey.." I said 

He leaned in to kiss me and I pulled back.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing.." I lied

He came in my room and he laid in my bed and I went and laid in my bed with him. About ten minutes later, the door to the boys' room opened.

Patrick stood there in his boxers.

Auston saw him and he looked at me.

"Ash, do you have an advil?" He asked

"Yeah, it's in my small pink bag in my regular bag.." I said

He used my phone and grabbed the bag and took some Advil.

"Thanks!" He said leaving

"Why is he coming into your room in his boxers?" Auston asked

"I don't know, he needed Advil." I said

I kissed him and fell asleep.

The next night, I was getting ready and I was in a fancy long dress that was so uncomfortable. 

It was a fancy long black dress. I had red high heels on and my makeup and hair was done. I walked into the hall and met Patrick and Jonathan.

They were both in black suits. 

"Damn.." Patrick said looking at me

"Kaner!" Tazer said 

We were in the elevator and we went to our rental car. Patrick opened the car door for me and I got in the passenger seat. Tazer hopped in the back and suddenly, Auston got in the car.

"Thanks for inviting me, Tazer!" He said

"No problem!" He said back all happy

"Damn, you look hot!" Auston said to me

"Thanks, but I'm not gay.." Patrick said back

I laughed and so did Tazer.

"I wasn't talking to you, you look like shit. Ashley looks hot.."

"Really? I thought she looked beautiful.."

"Shut up, Kane!" Auston said

Patrick drove the twenty minutes to the banquet area. He parked the car and he ran around and opened my car door.

"Thank you." I said

I got out and Auston gave him a death glare. Auston kissed me and gave him a short kiss back.

It was really icy out and hard to walk in my high heels. 

The guys were all ahead of me. Patrick came back and he picked me bridal style and carried me through the parking lot and to the entrance of the building.

"Thanks.." I said

"No problem.." He said 

Auston said, "You know that I could have done that.."

"But you didn't.." Patrick said

We went to the banquet room and talked with everyone else in the all-star game. After a few hours of socializing, we had the dinner. I sat next to Patrick and Jonathan as it was assigned seating.

They brought out the food and it was decent and I ate what I wanted to eat as I wasn't that hungry.

"Can I have the rest of you food?" Patrick asked

"Yeah.." I said

Patrick and Jonathan shared it and soon the speeches and thank you's began. Then it was more socializing. Patrick, Tazer, and Auston all followed me around and they were all drinking.

Patrick said, "I'm going to run to the bathroom, will you hold my drink?

"Yeah.." I said

I looked at it and it was clear. He was drinking water.

He came back and I asked, "Are you drinking water?"

"Yeah, I have been all night. Minus the wine I had when we were eating."

Around 11pm, Patrick grabbed me and we went outside to the car. 

"Sorry, it was just incredibly boring and everyone in there is pretty much drunk."

"Why were you not drinking?"

"Because I was watching you to make sure you were okay and no one tried to pull anything. Plus, I have to drive and you make me want to be a better guy and be more responsible."

That brought tears to my eyes...

"Auston and Tazer can take an Uber back to the hotel.."

He drove back to the hotel and I went in my room to change into my swimsuit. I was in a navy bikini and Patrick and I went down to the pool.

We sat in the hot tub and there was no one else there.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked

"Yeah, and I'm nervous.."  I said

"Just don't think.. It's fun and you know what you're doing."

We sat therefor about another half hour and the pool area was closing and we went to leave. We were in our towels, but I pushed Patrick in the pool. 

He climbed out and he gave me a hug, soaking me. He picked me up and he was going to trow me in the pool, but I hung onto him, so he just jumped in.

"Thanks a lot.. Now my makeup is going to be smeared everywhere." I said laighing

"It looks perfect.." he said

It was in the six foot are and we moved to the five feet area. I am only like 5 feet and 3 and a half inches, so the water was still deep for me. I wrapped my legs around Patrick and he held onto me. 

"Shit!" He said pulling up both underwater

A few seconds later, we came back up and he said, "A group of people were walking by and I didn't want them to see us in here.."

We got out of the pool and went to our rooms and showered. I was laying in bed and I fell asleep. The next day was the skills competition. Patrick drove to the rink and we all got ready. I was in the accurate shooting one.

We were about to get on the ice and Patrick whispered, "You're gonna kill it.."

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