Season 2: Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

“Yes, but with Satoru working alongside Orochimaru already…they are our enemies.” He gravely voiced.

“We have other problems that are just as big.” Anko cut in, “Sasuke’s been given a curse mark—Orochimaru plans to have Sasuke for his collection of vessels too.”

“I’ll have to talk to Sasuke when he makes it to the tower with the others.” Kakashi spoke in regards to that matter; and Hisayo gave a small nervous swallow as her eyes narrowed in concern.

Anko smirked at the Copy-Ninja, “You seem pretty confident in that bunch.”

“They may be lacking in certain areas, but they’re stubborn.” Kakashi calmly replied.

“And what about her?” One of the Chunin pointed at Hisayo as he turned his concern to the Hokage, “Hokage-sama, you can’t expect us to let her roam freely now. Not only is she a target for Orochimaru, but she is a monster just like everyone has said! She’s a danger!”

Ken left Hisayo’s side and was by the offending Chunin in heartbeat, punching him square in the face. “How dare you say something like that! Sensei’s done a lot for the village, so you take that back!”

Anko looked over her shoulder in surprise of the young Chunin’s actions; the other man that had been standing by his attacked partner was in shock as well. Kakashi was by Ken’s side, grabbing the shorter shinobi by his arm and pulling him away from the Chunin that now held a bloody nose.

“That’s enough Ken.” He warned, “You’re just going to make things more difficult.”

“But Hisayo-sensei-”

“Ken, stop.” Ken froze and slowly turned his head to look at his sensei who was standing with her arms crossed, and looking off to the side to avoid any hard gazes. “I understand the cause for concern,” She continued, “but the Hokage can speak for me, as will Akio-sensei.”

The Third nodded, “Yes…I have known the situation for quite some time. We just were unaware of who was involved behind all of this…until tonight.”

“How long?” Anko stared at Sarutobi with hard eyes, and after several long silent moments, she gritted her teeth and repeated the question with much more force behind it, “How…long?”

“…Just over two years now.” Sarutobi divulged; Anko gave a short growl of irritation as she looked between the Hokage and Hisayo.

She let out a “Hn” before she leaned back into the sofa and closed her eyes as she spoke, turning back to the present threat, “Well, we can’t cancel the exams. Orochimaru made that quite clear…And you…” she opened her eyes and directed her narrowed gaze to Hisayo, “If you become a threat to the village as well, I won’t hesitate to attack and kill you.”

Hisayo lifted her head, locking her now piercing eyes with the Jounin’s eyes, “The last time we fought, I was holding back. Had I been given the permission to, I would have killed you…” Anko swallowed as her eyes narrowed further in irritation, “But that was then. I wouldn’t kill a comrade of the Leaf…no matter how irritating and obnoxious they are.” She added with a tiny smirk.

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