"Anyways, Tim can you show Ross to his office, I have some business to take care of." Adam spoke the last part of his sentence in a chilling tone; I could see the anger burning through his eyes as he quickly marched down the hallway, the way Max had ran.

"W-what does he mean by that?" I asked scaredly as I watched Adam dissapear out of view.

"Eh, Adam and Max may be in a relationship but they go round and round. Don't worry though, they'll be the bestest of friends in a few minutes." Red reassured me with a quick pat on my shoulders before he led Barney down a different hallway.

I glanced over at Tim who sighed before he led me down the hallway towards an office, "this will be your office, its empty apart from a desk and a couple of shelves. Try to make yourself at home." Tim smiled at me as he walked over towards a computer station that sat in a small open room in the middle of the hallway. I couldn't help but frown as I looked over the barren room that was now acknoledged as my office- something just didn't feel right?

I threw my bag onto the desk as I began to unpack my items which mainly consisted of anime and katana's as soon as I finished I heard a muffled cry come from down the hallway, I raced into the hallway but no one was there. I walked around until I found an office that had its blinds down. I heard voices inside but all of which were muffled. Why is someone crying? I thought to myself as I stood beside the door for a moment, I thought about going inside but as soon as I turned the knob I realized that the door was locked. I sighed and began to walk away. I glanced one last time at the door and frowned, I hope they are ok.

Hours passed as it was finally time to leave the offices. I quickly cleaned up my station before heading outside of the building. My new apartment was within walking distance so I decided it would be best to jog there, suddenly Tim's voice called out from behind me, "hey Ross, do you need a lift!"

"Oh, sure!" I shrugged as I followed him into a dark black car, Max sat in the driver seat as he kept his eyes focused on the steering wheel; Tim quickly got into the passenger seat as I slid into the back seat.

"Where to?" Tim asked me.

"Uh, The Caritan Apartment Complexes." I responded which made Tim's eyes shine with excitement.

"You- you must be our new roommate then! Omg Max, why aren't you excited!" Tim implied as Max shrugged his shoulders, the ginger male didn't seem to care- instead he looked out at the road with dismay lingering in his eyes. "Come 'on start the car- old man!" Tim joked causing Max to turn and look at him in anger.

"Call me that again and your guts will be taken out of your body, Tim!" A sigh escaped the older males' lips  before he car jerked to a start. For the rest of the car ride we were silent which I was thankful about, it gave me some time to ponder about who or why someone could of been crying inside of a locked office. I mean it wasn't my business but still I felt bad for not asking what was going on.

As we pulled into the driveway of the complexes. Max stopped the engine in front of one of the apartments. I quickly jumped out of the car- ready to see the inside of the apartment however as I was passing the driver side I noticed that Max was tugging on his shirt sleeves. A frown apprehensively made its way onto my lips before I darted towards the front door where Tim waited for us. Tim shot me a smile before opening the front door I gasped in astonishment. A hallway that went in two directions stood before me, on one side there was a room along with the kitchen and living room on the other side there were the other two rooms.

"Your room is over there with Max's anyways, what do you want to eat. Please dont say Mac-N-Cheese or Corndogs, you don't understand how tired I am of those!" Tim exclaimed as Max shot him a glare before he stormed off towards one of the rooms. "Gee, Mr. Cranky!" Tim yelled as Max slammed the door behind him.

"Does he not like me?" I asked in a quiet voice as I watched Max's door in confusement. We were friends in highschool, we met for the first time through a video game but the first time I met him in real life, he kept distancing himself; I soon found out that he was behind bullied by Adam and his friend, Jin but soon after I found him, Max left me.

"Max doesn't really like anyone." Tim sighed, as he walked towards the kitchen, "anyways, I'll just order pizza to celebrate your arrival, oh and by the way your boxes are all in your room; well according to the landlord."

"Thanks Tim!" I smiled as I dashed towards the room that was across from Max's. I sighed quickly before opening the door. Inside of the room sat my bed along with all of my boxes. I smiled happily as I quickly opened up a few boxes to try and find my bedsheets. As soon as my bed was made, Tim called me for dinner. I quickly exited the room and I was about to walk down the hallway when I heard music playing from Max's room.

I'm tired of being what you want me to be.
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface.
I don't know what your expecting of me, but under the pressure of F*ing in your shoes.
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
- Numb, Linkin Park

I frowned as I walked away from his room to only hear the door open and click shut. I turned my head alittle to find him walking off towards the bathroom that sat in between all three of the rooms. I sighed as I continued to walk towards the kitchen where Tim had set up the pizza, I hope Max is ok. I thought to myself as I took a slice of Pizza and I began to eat it.

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