😘Link is cute!!!😘

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Saria, Malon, Midna, Mipha, Peatrice, Rosa, Riju, Ruto and Ilia has entered the chat.

Saria: I'm in position.

Peatrice: Me too, standing by.

Riju: All ready over here.

Ilia: Yeah, I can see Link and Zelda making their way to the beach now.

Midna: Why exactly did u have to hide in the bushes? It's ripping up my skirt!

Malon: Oh calm down! I'm hiding in a goddess damned pot!

Mipha: Ok, does everyone remember the plan?

Rosa: Yeah, Sidon and Paya create a commotion in the inn so Link and Zelda are distracted.

Ruto: Then me and Mipha swim to shore and while they are distracted, we take all their stuff and run into the bushes.

Saria: Then I swap the engagement ring for a piece of paper saying 'just kidding' in the box so that when he opens it up and says 'will you marry me?', Zelda will think it is a sick joke and dump him.

Ilia: Yes, and the rest of us keep watch and when Link is alone, we ambush him.

Riju: Right? Ready? Sidon, Paya, go!

Mipha: guys?

Midna: Are they offline?

Malon: But they agreed to help us with this plan!

Riju: Maybe their phones are dead?

Peatrice: Rosa, because you're closest to the inn, go in and see is Paya and Sidon are inside.

Rosa: On it.

Ilia: I hope this plan works in time cus Link could pop the question at any moment!

Ruto: Don't worry, I'm sure this plan will work!

Rosa: um....

Saria: Are they inside?

Rosa: Oh they're inside alright... 😓

Malon: Then tell them to cause a commotion in the inn!

Rosa: I never said they were inside the inn... 😐

Midna: What? So what are they doing?!

Rosa: You don't wanna know 🤢

Ilia: Wait... I think Link is about to propose!

Peatrice: Nooooooooooooooo!

Malon: We were too late 😖

Mipha: Link no ☹️

Ruto: Where's Sidon and Paya?! They just screwed up our plan!

Rosa: They screwed more than the plan 🤢

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