😎Badass Girls😎

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Samus, Sheik, Zelda, Bayonetta, Isabelle, Bowsette and Peach has entered the chat.

Boyonetta: So, anyone for a little target practice?

Bowsette: Nah, I'm good.

Peach: I suppose I do need to learn how to shoot a gun properly.

Samus: Well what about that game with a mario and rabbids crossover? That is what they are called right?

Peach: Uh, well I was mostly lucky with those guns but I need more practice if I'm gonna survive Smash Bros.

Isabelle: I've never held a gun in my life.

Bayonetta: Who let this little kid in our badass group?

Zelda: me

Bayonetta: Not cool Z, not cool

Sheik: Come on, for a girl raised in a perfect world, she's pretty deadly with a fishing rod.

Peach: How is the Animal Crossing world perfect?

Bowsette: I have to admit that she is pretty scary with a fishing rod.

Isabelle: My world is perfect. There's no death and destruction.

Bayonetta: But you run around the world collecting bugs n stuff only to sell them, earn money to pay off your house from debt. And then it starts all over again. It's capitalism at its finest.

Zelda: Wow. That makes sense and I never thought that you would play Animal Crossing.

Bayonetta: I had some spare time the other day so I decided to give it a go.

Sheik: But seriously. Yikes.

Samus: I will never be able to play the game again now with that information.

Isabelle: Come on, it's not that bad.

Bowsette: No? How about the fact that the Villager is the only human in the world?

Peach: Yeah, it depicts the future in which all of animal kind has risen up against their human overlords and overthrown all of human democracy leaving behind the capitalist sugar-coated world that is Animal Crossing and the Villager is brainwashed into doing what the animals say due to the fact that they are outnumbered. 😬

Samus: Damn. The more you think about it, the more sense it makes.

Sheik: That does make sense...

Bayonetta: And what about the fact that Villager has to collect fruit to sell and earn money. But the animals need those fruits so they take them from Villager and he goes off to repeat it again.

Zelda: Well thanks for ruining Animal Crossing for me... 😒

Bayonetta: You're welcome 😄

Isabelle: How did you guys find out about my cunning plan?!?!?!

Bowsette: Aw snap!

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