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Jiggly Puff, Villager, Inkling Girl, Inkling Boy, Kirby and Wii Fit Trainer has entered the chat.


Wii Fit Trainer: Mario was so mad when he woke up and found that we had drawn on his face!

Inkling Boy: Yeah! It was well worth it!

Inkling Girl: But we weren't the only one's at the race. Someone wrote 'We love you Link' in the sky!

Jiggly Puff: Whoever did that has some guts, Zelda can be pretty dangerous when mad.

Villager: Yeah, anyone who knows Zelda's rath knows that she's a force to be reckoned with.

Wii Fit Trainer: Facepalm. What did you do?

Villager: Nothing.

Kirby: He captured Zelda's Goddess Butterfly that was leading her army to Ganondorf. 😊 🍉 Zelda locked him in the dungeon for weeks!

Villager: KIRBY!

Inkling Boy: Hahahahahaha

Inkling Girl: Why did you do that anyways?!

Villager: I got bored.

Jiggly Puff: Anyways... Any other prank ideas that's won't bring the wrath of Zelda upon us?

Wii Fit Trainer: I got nothing.

Kirby: We could try to block every pipe in the Mushroom Kingdom?

Inkling Girl: Try and be reasonable!

Inkling Boy: That would take years!

Villager: We could glue Link's and Mario's hats to their heads?

Jiggly Puff: I doubt they'll notice.

Wii Fit Trainer: Yeah, I don't think they ever take their hats off since we hid them last time.

Kirby: I wouldn't put it past them if they kept their hats on in bed as well.

Inkling Boy: Anyways...

Inkling Girl: Does anyone have a real prank idea?

Villager: I have an idea!

Jiggly Puff: Do tell.

Villager: We could hide all the pots in Hyrule Castle. So when Link gets angry or stressed, he can't break any pots! XD

Wii Fit Trainer: Oh, and we could cut the grass in Hyrule Field! XD Link is gonna be so mad!

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