Part 1

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(Quick question. Do any of y'alls scars like randomly just start itching? Maybe not specifically on the scars but like right next to them. That's all enjoy)

(Y/n) was sitting on his chair looking at his PC eager for the download to a new game he just bought. He's heard a lot of good things about it and was booming with excitement. Once it finished he immediately opened the game up and waited for a moment then the game's name came up in the screen. "Dark Sanity"
He waited a bit longer then the menu screen appeared showing the usual. Settings, Campaign, Multiplayer etc. He clicked on Campaign and it went to a black screen to load so he waited...and waited...and waited. Nothing ever happened which he found weird so he looked at his PC to see it was completely shut off. He raised an eyebrow and tried to turn it back on but nothing worked and neither did the outlets after the PC went out. He was thinking when a sudden flash from outside his window ripped his attention away from his thoughts. He looked at the mushroom of black cloud forming and quickly realized what's happening. He sighed with his mouth closed.

(Y/n):Meh I only regret not buying the game sooner......

As he said this the shockwave of the bomb hit his apartment and the whole thing toppled in on it self ultimately killing everyone inside of it....but someone within that building magically had his soul transported to a white room and manifest into a body that was about 9 years younger than his normal self effectively making him 17 again.

(Y/n):Huh?...W-where am I?

???:Do not worry comrade you will be fine.

He quickly turned around to see a man in heavy green gear and a helmet with a slit in it so he could see he was standing with an SMG across his chest and pistols at his hip. (Y/n) knew exactly who this was the moment he saw him but couldn't believe it so he stood there looking.

???:What is matter?

He snapped out of his trance.

(Y/n):N-nothing you just surprised me...that's all Alexsandr.

Alexsandr:Oh ho? You know my name comrade.

(Y/n):Y-yeah. If you don't want me to call you by your name I can always use your alias?

Alexsandr:Do what you may friend.

(Y/n):Oh ok...Tachanka. By the way where am I? I know I died back at my place because of that bomb.

Tachanka:Yes unfortunately you passed. But to answer question you between heaven and hell.

(Y/n):What's gonna happen to me?

Tachanka:You can wait and enter heaven...or could take the back door out and be thrown into any place you choose. Shows, anime, books, games etc. you get gist of it.

(Y/n) thought for a while before finally deciding and looked at the slit on his helmet.

Tachanka:Finally have answer?

He nodded.

Tachanka:Well let me hear it.

(Y/n):It's the anime series called Ruby or R. W. B. Y. If you want to be that guy.

Alexsandr thought for a moment then came to a conclusion.

Tachanka:Ok comrade but what will semblance be?

(Y/n) already had this all planned out.

(Y/n):I want to be able to summon any item so long as it's from a game, show, movie etc. without any drawbacks.

He bursts out laughing.

Tachanka:Hahahahaha! That's quite something comrade! But I can make it happen just that everything comes at a price. I can do it but there must be drawback or no dice.

Gamer-ish x RWBY (Male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now