Chapter 01

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*A/N Please enjoy

'You've got to be kidding me.' Arthit said aloud, looking at the seniors in front of him.

There were eight boys standing in a group of two, behind the bleachers. Three facing five. Three freshmen facing five sophomores of the KST Arts Faculty. The three juniors looked amazed and bewildered while the seniors looked like they were enjoying the juniors suffering before them.

'But P' that's not fair.' One of the juniors, Knott, one of Arthit's best friends said.

'Did we ask your opinion Nong? Who gave you permission to open your mouth?' growled Sharp, one of the seniors.

'But P'...' Started Prem, Arthit's other best friend.

'Enough!' bellowed Jay, head hazer of 2nd year Arts Faculty, making the juniors snap to attention.

'Really N'Arthit, do you think you have celebrity privileges in our faculty? That the seniors should bow down to you? Why, because you are known by a few people? You think you can refuse us because you play a music instrument? That you are too good to be our junior? Is that what you think?' Jay asked. The mean expression in his face bellying the camaraderie he was trying to promote.

'That's not what I mean P'...' started Arthit, trying to explain.

'Then what N'Arthit? Tell me why you think you can refuse a direct order from your hazing leader?' Shouted Jay, making the three juniors wince.

'Did you think that we'll hold neon signs, banners and posters to welcome you like your stupid teenage fans?' Another senior, Ell raised his voice.

'Or perhaps did you think that after missing two months of the initiation program, you'll be let off easily because you have more Instagram followers than the rest of us?' Ell continued, almost spitting at Arthit.

'I think not.' Ell was still not done with his piece. He was the deputy team leader and was known to be a tyrant to the first years.

'Look at your friends N'Arthit. Your friends who suffered to learn the values of our prestigious faculty for the past two months. They have shed their sweat, blood and tears while trying to prove to their seniors that they are worthy to be called our juniors. And then look at yourself. You missed the two months of activities that were meant to properly turn you into someone worthy of this faculty in character. You missed it because you were flying first class all around the world. Did you honestly think you can waltz in here just like that and pretend to be a freshman of KST Arts Faculty? I say Hell NO!' he ended the long winded speech with a shout that made all three juniors flinch.

'And you still have the guts to look us in the eye and refuse to do, one simple task ordered by your seniors. Your seniors who were considerate enough the give you a chance. A chance to prove yourself to the entire faculty. One measly task to complete. A chance of a life time. And what do you do? Kick it away like you are too good for that. Tell me nong, is that it? Are you too good for the seniors and your colleagues here? Too good for this institute? Is that how you see it?' Jay was literally on Arthit's face when he growled out the last sentence.

To Arthit's credit he didn't flinch. He held his ground but kept his eyes respectfully down casted. His face carefully blank, hiding what he was truly feeling.

What else was he supposed to do? Clearly this had far less to do with the customary hazing activities and more with the ugly green monster on this seniors' shoulders. He looked down to hide his look of contempt for the assholes of second year of the Faculty of Arts, only because he really didn't want trouble for the four years he'd begged his agency to let him study in a normal environment. He'd done it to gain more real life experience and to spend time with his best friends Knott and Prem.

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