
Depuis le début

As I entered the house I was met by a very delightful scent of food which made me realize how hungry I was. I could easily tell Papa made my favorite breakfast.

I couldn't wait more so I dashed in the kitchen and sat on my chair seeing the goodness of pancakes with honey topping on my plate. I couldn't wait for more to devour the scrumptious sight in front of me.

As I was ready to take a bite of this heavenly goodness, Papa lightly smacked my hand away and looked at me with narrowed eyes as he said, "Bellamy Rose Valentino! Have you forgotten your etiquette? Who's going to wash their hands before eating? Get up young lady and wash your hands or else I'll eat your breakfast right in front of you."

I opened my mouth to brawl "Papa! but I'm nineteen, I am not a kid anymore. You can no longer scare me," I replied and mimicked him while he shot me a challenging look.

My relationship with my father was very adorable. He was my father but he was more like a friend to me. Even though I am nineteen, a grown-up girl yet papa treats me like a little kid.

Papa didn't say anything instead he quickly took a piece of my pancake and put it inside his mouth using his werewolf abilities. I shot up from my chair and raised a cry before I ran in the washroom to wash my hands as I heard papa muttering, 'kids these days' while chuckling. I made a huffing sound as I knew that he would be able to hear me. Thanking the moon goddess for this amazing super-efficient hearing sense.

While eating our breakfast I decided to ask papa some questions about the pack. Even though he was no longer an Alpha still Uncle Elliot and the rest of the pack general components came to him for guidance.

One thing I loved about the East was that it gave an equal amount of liberties and regard to everyone, be it a member of the alpha community or a normal living wolf.

"Papa since I'm finally nineteen, can I go with Uncle Elliot and the rest of the un-mated wolves for a mate search?" I asked papa wishing he'd give me a favorable reply but in return, he stiffened and shifted the topic which disheartened me.

Papa was overprotective. He knew that if my mate was from another side it would mean that I would have to go and live with him and leave Papa. I know a huge part of him has not overcome mama's death and me leaving him was just as worse as me leaving this world and I completely understood him. Papa just needs more time.

"How about you spend the day with Sophia and the rest of the pack members at the pack-house today?" Papa asked trying to cheer me up and completely avoiding my question. I smiled and just simply nodded. Though, the feeling still lingered.

After my breakfast, I decided to go to the pack-house as per my Papa's recommendation. Pack-house is my favorite place to go. It's always welcoming here. There was a different aura around them; it would easily light a dark room up.


The pack-house is like a never-ending party, it's noisy and loud here, and everybody just adores their time. As I entered, I saw everyone wearing beautiful clothes with lovely smiles, the pack-house is decorated so beautifully, it almost seemed like our East castle.

Cassie looked at me with wide eyes and came running to me for a bone-crushing hug. Cassie is four years older than me. She has a round face with round eyes and beautiful golden hair. She found her mate over a year ago and since then, the two of them are inseparable. I met her when we were young, we were practically family.

"Look who finally decided to reveal herself," Grace said from behind me. I squealed as she picked me up and hugged me. For a twenty-one-year-old mom, she was very strong. Grace found her mate when she was eighteen, she has a beautiful little two-year-old son named Harry.

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