Part 61-The Battle Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Take a look around you." We look out the tinted green shield and see that he is right. Almost all the mobs are dead. I see all the Ender Titans being chained up with rabbits. All of the Minecraftians and Humans that were here are dead. Although all of the players with Name tags where being captured and held prisoner until they left the game. I looked back at Him to see he was smiling. Then he started laughing. A cold hard laugh that had no joy in it. "You know there is only one thing I feel sorry for you about."

"What?" Asks Null

"That you will die before witnessing the birthing of this world!" Then he drew his sword and ran at us. We all ran at him and brought our sword down at him. I went for his arm but suddenly it wasn't his arm I was about to hit. It was Vallrons. I changed direction just enough to only nick his arm. Then I felt a burn on my side and turned to see Three with a shocked face. Then I tripped on Vallron and everyone landed on top of each other. I couldn't move because I was near the bottom of the pile. I hear Fregan Screaming and Alex whimpering in pain. I hear 4 laughing. "You guys are a joke. You can't even attack me without falling over one another. Then I hear something which makes me freeze. 

"Father." Says the voice. 


"Can I try?"

"Sure although I will stay just in case." Then I felt someone get of me and I start to get up. I look around and see that Alex has a hole in her wing and Fregan has a huge burn mark going down the whole left side of his face and down to his torso. I can see Hydro crying and I think I new what happened. Then I turn to the voice. I feel tears start to form in my eyes. The voice belongs to Ben. I see Ben draw a sword its his lime green but with black swirls in it. Then I notice that his eyes are black. Just like his Fathers. I know know what his secret was. Ben charges at me and I dodge. He keeps trying again and again to kill me. Until finally I transform and grab the sword from him. He just stands there. Then looks back to Him and look sad.

"I am sorry Father I failed."

"Hey don't worry about it that was your first time. Now go wait in your room and we can try and find your brother together." I gasp. That isn't Ben its Jack. 

"JACK!" I scream as he walks to a portal. He stops.

"How do you know my name?" He says

"Your brother told me."



"Do you know where he is?"


"Well then you are of no use to me." He walks through the portal and it closes behind him. We are all exhausted and I look around to see that everyone is injured in some way or another. I hear something coming and see a green blast hit me in the stomach. It hurts so much. It's burning and Freezing me at the same time. Then just as I am about to black out I see Experiment 4 doing something. He's casting a spell. I am to distracted by the pain to counter it and suddenly an even bigger pain cuts through my head like a knife. I scream and close my eyes. I feel myself being picked up and thrash out. The person doesn't fight back. I open my eyes to see Herobrine. I try to telepathically say Thank you when I feel a wall. I start to panic. I notice Herobrine start panicking as well. I try to contact someone anyone. But each time I feel wall after wall. Finally I just reach out to the closest mind and latch onto to it. 

"HELP PLEASE ITS SO QUIET HELP!" I scream at whoever this is. Then I feel it a mind brush up next to mine. 

"You know it's pretty funny that you came to me for help." I quickly leave His mind and stare at him in horror. "I am guessing that by the way your all panicking that you have realized what I have done. I have stoped you communicating telepathically with each other. Now I think its about time I got rid of you all. I feel myself getting lifted up and I look down to see what's lifting me. It's His magic, I struggle to free myself but he has pinned my arms to my sides. I try transforming the rope of Green just changes sizes. Then I look around and see everyone else is in the same situation. I try teleporting but he is blocking that as well. Then I see that behind all of us are portals I look through the portals and see where he is going to send us. Earth. Then he says " You know I did always wonder how you would survive in a world of Mortals. Oh and just as another thing in that spell I did. Well unless you put all your power together you could theoretically get back here but other wise you are being exiled!" Then he flies towards and using his sword stabs Hydro through the stomach. As she is screaming I notice something. It's sunset. Then I remember which day we set this battle on. I look out to the horizon and see it. The full moon. I see Vallron and Fregan also looking at it. Then I hear it. 

"Someone needs to die." I start to thrash around. I am not in control anymore. I see Him coming closer and my body starts growling at him. 

"Awww its Ok little Puppy your going back home. Then we all get thrown back into the portals. I go flying back. I notice I am in a forest than everything goes black. I wake up in that same forest. It's now daytime. I look back and see a large rock with some purple blood on it. I look around and recognize where I am. I am on a hunting range that's just outside the city/town where I live. I stand up and start walking in the direction I think is home. When suddenly I hear a horrific crunch and my whole leg feels like its nerves are being ripped apart. I take a glance down and almost vomit. My foot is caught in a bear trap. I reach down and gingerly pry the jaws apart. I take my leg out and scream in the process. I can see bone and there is skin and muscle just hanging from it. I can't move my foot. So when I get up i just sort of drag it along. I try flying when I can but I am just too tired. I eventually get to the edge of a street. I travelled for about a day and had bullet wounds from when Hunters mistook me for an animal. I didn't want to transform because I knew that t would hurt my leg so much that I might pass out. I travail during the night so no one sees me. I get to my house. Then I realize something how am I going to explain this to my parents? I decide to just wing it and slam open the door having to bend over to fit and seeing my tow shocked parents say.

"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do."

A/N And that it folks! So yes that's it that is the end of the book.  Please please please tell me what you think of this book! Now please do not worry there will be a sequel! Now I am going to take a small brake from writing so expect the start of the sequel in roughly 3-4 weeks. Again I must thank all of my faith full readers who have been so patient with me in the writing of this book. Every time I missed and Update (which was a lot) or I didn't see one of your comments (which I hope I didn't) you never got angry with me and I thank you. Also we must congratulate the amazing author of the cover for this book @Gamer_Poky for their amazing work! Also I must worn you that when I right the sequel for this book I may go back and change thing in this book. I have already done this quote a few times to fill in plot holes. So keep and eye on this book for any changes or better yet just go ahead and re-read it! Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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