Part 6- Raw or Cooked?

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A/N Even more parts and sorry if it feels like the story is really fast it will slow down later I am just busy introducing all the characters. Anyway on with the story.

The roaring was deafening. So much sound from such a small child. As I try to block out the sound I remember where I found her "I have to get to the kitchen" I yell but of course no one can hear me. As I make my way to the kitchen I find a piece of raw steak and a piece of cooked steak. I bring both back and as soon as the child sees me she goes silent. I placed both pieces of meat just outside the cage so she could still reach them. As she looked between the two steaks she paused and quick as lightning grabbed the raw one then went to the back of the cage and started swallowing the meat as fast as she could. "It's ok we aren't going to hurt you" I say

 "why did you put me in a cage then" she replied

"Wait you can talk" 


"Ok, how did you get into the Nether?"

"I came through the portal"

"Which portal"

"The one underground, below the castle"

"Ohh that one" says Herobrine. We all just stare at him for a moment before I continued.

"Ok, what's your name?" I ask the girl.

"My name's Ender"

"That's a interesting name"

"What's your names" Ender asks all of us.

"Well my name is Y/N, that's Herobrine, over there is Notch and those two are Null and Three.

"And my name is Steve" we all turn around to see Steve walking out the entrance to the castle, still covered in bandages.

"Steve you still need to rest" Notch says as he walks over to escort him back to the hospital. 

"What happened to him?" Asks Ender

"He tackled me to the ground and then he got thrown across the room by my storm wings." Answered Herobrine

"Can I try healing him?" Said Ender

"I suppose you can try but please don't run of again." I say

"I won't". She says. So Null dissipates the cage and Ender walks over to Steve. Notch is trying to calm Steve down because apparently he recognises Ender and is now scared of her. 

"Please get that 'thing' away from me" he says to Notch

"I am not a 'thing'" Ender replies

"IT CAN TALK, NOPE NOPE NOPE I AM NOT DOING THIS NOPE SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME NOPE HELP ITS COMING CLOSER HELP NOPE PLEASE HELP!" Then Notch just looks a Steve, confused. As Ender walks closer Steve looks like he is having a panic attack. I am just confused. Then I remember that Null said he knew what she was. I walk over to Null, I ask.

"Null remember how you said you might know what she is, well what are your theories?"

"I think she is a baby Ender Dragon"

"Wait what, but Ender Dragons went extinct a loooooong time ago."

"Apparently when Steve wiped them out he missed one egg."

"Wait Steve was the one to wipe out all the Ender Dragons!"

"Yea that's probably why he is terrified of her, he thinks she wants revenge on him." Null said. As she reached him Notch was literally trying to hold him back from running head first into the lava. 


"NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE..." Steve was now screaming at the top of his lungs. Then Ender tapped him on the leg with her tail and he fainted. 

"Finally I can actually heal you" she said not realizing what fainting is. She gets to him but them something starts happening to her she crouched down on all fours and hers face started to lengthen. Her skin turned to dark purple scales and her legs and arms became lizard like until her clothes disappeared in a sparkle of dust and two dark purple and gray wings slowly spread. Then everyone except me, Null and Steve all freak out.

"ITS A DRAGON!" Screamed Herobrine

"IT'LL KILL STEVE!" Screamed Notch

"OH MY SHE IS ADORABLE!" Yelled Three. We all look at Three for a moment before Ender opens her mouth and starts breathing something similar to how Null looks when he is asleep except it is purple with swirls of black in it. As the 'smoke' flows over Steve we can see that his wounds start to heal. As the last of his wounds close up Ender go's over to is face to check he is ok. So he wakes up to him and Ender almost touching noses while she is in Dragon form.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOPE NOPE HELP PLEASE ITS GOING TO EAT MY FACE HELP NOPE NOPE PLEASE HELP PLEASE IT WANTS REVENGE HELP PLEASE NOPE..." was all he could say before she licked him on the nose with her forked tongue. 

"OHHHHHHHHH MY THAT'S SO ADORABLE CAN THAT HAPPEN TO ME... HAHA I KNOW HOW TO GET THAT TO HAPPEN TO ME!" At that Three tackled Herobrine to the ground from behind and landed on top of Herobrine.


"YEA THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO HAPPEN!" Then there was a burst of light again and Three literally flew through the air and landed on top of a ghast. "Umm I regret my choices in life, can someone get me down please." 

"Hang on I'm coming" said Herobrine as he again spread his wings and flew up to Three. He grabbed Three and 'slowly' brought him over to us, all the while Three is screaming.

"HEROBRINE YOU KNOW I AM SCARED OF HEIGHTS CAN YOU FLY FASTER PLEASE HELP AND DON'T YOU DARE DROP ME!" At that comment Herobrine loosens his grip a little. "HEROBRINE DON'T YOU DARE!" Then they finally get back to solid ground  and Three runs away from the edge and back into the castle. We all turn around to look at Ender we all notice she is sitting next to Null in human form again but this time she look older like maybe 15 and her and Null are talking when suddenly Ender grabs Null and kisses him.

A/N MORE ROMANCE and sudden relationships but anyway I am happy with how the story is going are you? Also I should probably explain how Ender keeps changing ages well she is actually about 100 years old which is still very young for a Dragon. Dragons are magical but her true human form is the little 9 year old and her true Dragon form is the tiny Dragon we saw when she first appears but she can appear at any age. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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