Part 37-The Start of a Journey

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This is where I found the image . If you want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.


I run up to Three and check him over. His injuries are horrible defiantly fatal if not cared for. I notice some green dust on one of the bigger injuries.

"NOOOOO!" I scream

"Y/ N what's wrong do you know this 'person'?" Asks the mayor

"Yes I know him he is one of my best friends. He is going to die if I don't get him some medical assistance"

"Those injuries, no doctor of ours or any in the surrounding area can treat them"

"Please... do something for him"

"Only Notch could save him now..."

"Wait... Notch... that is exactly who I need"

"Wait how would you convince Notch to come here?"

"I can just ask, he's a good friend"



"Ok we can wrap up his injuries to stabilize him but that's about all we can do". Then I hear a whimper and I turn back around to see Three looking at me with his Red and Orange eyes.

"Y/n... he... attacked... the... castle *cough cough*"

"Hey its ok Three, just try and rest"

"Y/ N I know that in dying, unless you have a way of getting Notch here right this very second I am going to kick the bucket"

"What can I do?"

"Send me to your world because then when die I'll just come back here..."

"How do I do that?"


"Ok I'll try". So I closed my eyes and imagined Three laying on my bed in my world. Then still focusing on that image I put my hand on his head. I felt him disappearing and soon enough he wasn't there. I just hoped that he made it to my world. I wasn't ready to leave today as planed so I just went to have a nap. I woke up in the middle of the night, then I looked beside my bed and saw the book on Nether Portals. Well it looked like the same book except that the title had changed to 'Medical History and Knowledge'. I picked it up and on the first page was a diagram showing how to heal cuts and stab wounds.

"What...?". I look through the book and again a life like picture of Herobrines face is the second page but after that all the pages are blank. I decide to figure it out in the morning and I go back to sleep. I wake up in the morning to see that the book is now the book on Nether Portals. I go to the entrance to town and I find Joseph, Tim, Linda and John waiting on horses just outside of the town. I go out to see them and I find them with a 5th horse as well. "So I guess we are leaving?"

"Yep ready when you are" says Linda

"Well then shall we go now?". I start walking if towards the distance.

"Umm we have a horse for you you know?" Says John

"Na its ok I'll just do it myself"

"You won't be able to keep up though" says Joseph

"Actually you will me the ones having trouble keeping up!". I say as I summon my wings and blast of into the sky.

"Hmm forgot she could do that..." says Tim. I could never explain the joy that soared through my heart when I flew. I flew up into the clouds and entered a world of calmness. I had to fly back down every now and a gain to check the map, Linda had the map because she was concerned that I might accidentally drop it. The map said that the nearest Nether Portal was about a 5 day ride from the town, which I found out the name of was Birch. The part I was worried about was that the map also said that the Nether Portal was directly in the middle of a forest that was next to a town called Maple. We where almost there when as I was flying above the clouds during the night I saw some sort of purple glow in the clouds to my right.

"ENDER!" I shouted thinking that somehow Ender was out here. I flew at my top speed at the glow but then just as I was about to reach it the glow stoped. I made some of my purple fire so that Ender could see where I am. Then suddenly my wings where flattened onto my body and I started plummeting towards the ground. I looked down and sow that it was some sort of net around me. I tried to shake it of but it only became more stuck. I tried burning it with my fire by covering me whole body in it but that was the last thing I remember before everything went black. I woke up in a cage, it was very cramped, and my hands where chained to the cage. Then I heard someone saying something confronting me.

"Step right up and see the amazing winged woman! Only one diamond!" Said the man in front of me. I hear a policeman over across the street and I quickly dismiss my wings and call

"UMM SIR I THINK I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I see the police man walk over and take one look at me and then he starts talking to the man in front of the cage.

"So what are you doing?"

"Well I caught this non human creature and I decided to try and get some money out of it before killing it"

"Hmmm but this lady looks human, you know the law you can only kidnap creatures if they aren't human"

"Well look at her back, SHE HAS WINGS!". The police man comes over to me and I turn around to show him my back.

"As you can see sir I do not have wings!" I say

"Yes you seem to be correct"

"So can I get out of the cage now?"

"Yes of course" and he grabs the key of the man and unlocks the cage. I step out and say

"Thank you, so umm I'm new to town I think this man kidnapped me while I was on the road. Can you tell me where I am?"

"Yep you are in Maple town. Where are you from?"

"Its a long story but I am traveling from Birch town"

"Ahh yes I have been there once before"

"Its a nice town"

"Yes it is"

"Anyway I need to go, so again thank you"

"That's ok, oh before you go its law in this town that the victim decides what the punishment is for the criminal."

"What are the choices?"

"Well kidnapping, using victim for profit and a death threat are all punishable by death or life imprisonment. So the choices are: just a public execution, a death by falling, eaten alive by a pack of wolves or our worst punishment being chains to the roof over a pack of Ender Titans"

"Wait what!"

"Yea Ender Titans"

"Where did you get them?"

"We caught them."


"We had rabbits tide to a bunch of traps so that they couldn't teleport away"

"But how do you stop them changing back to their human forms?"

"How do you know about that?"

"I studied the biology if mobs"

"Oh ok..."

"Umm I have always had a interest in the behaviour of Ender Titans but I could never see one up close do you think I could see them?"

"Yea sure ok. Just warning you though they are pretty viscous"

"I'm able to defend my self"

"Ok". So we walked through town to a little grey building and went inside. What I saw next will stay with me for the rest of my life. The Ender Titans had Rabbits strapped right in the middle of their back so that they couldn't reach them then they where again chained to the floor by their wrists. Then I saw him, Fregan was chained to the floor with the other 4 Ender Titans!

A/N yay I updated on time. This is actually a longer chapter than usual so cool. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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