Part 13-The Nether

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Go to part 2 if you want a picture of the Nether. For now MORE ADORABLE DRAWINGS OF ENDER! The art does not belong to me it belongs to this person . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.

A/N sorry for not updating for a bit but I have been busy so I will probably start updating weekly instead of daily. Anyway on with the story!

We all stared in horror at Threes unconscious body on the floor. I look at Null for a second and see that he has a look of horror and regret on his face. "What have I done!" He said, then Herobrine suddenly tackled him to the ground. 

"I'm sorry Null but as we all know when you get nervous you teleport and we do not need a repeat of last time."

"We need to get everyone back to the castle." I say.

"O-ok, but I need to have a talk with Ender when we get back." Said Null

"Yea don't worry man everything will be fine." Replied Herobrine. So Herobrine and Null picked up Three and flew back to the castle. I turn around and just stare awkwardly at the enderman.

"Ummm hi, so how's the weather?"

"The Nether does not have weather"

"Sooo you realize that we are going to have to wait until those guys get back?"


"We can't get down."

"I can"

"How? Oh that's right you can teleport. Do you think that you could go and remind those three that I can't get down?" (In this book enderman can't teleport other people with them)

"Of course my lady." At that he disappeared and then reappeared on the floor. (The reason you can't jump is because you are like 500 meters in the air) As I see him teleport back to the castle I start to think about the egg. "If the egg is a Wither then that means the species is not extinct because something had to lay it and build the nest. Maybe the parent will come back. Should we give the egg back or should we let Ender raise it?" Then I see a flash of white come streaking towards me from the castle and Herobrine stops just in front of me. 

"You didn't think I had forgotten you?"

"No of course not. Well maybe, but you still came."

"Anyway I'm sure they won't mind if where gone for a bit longer"

"Why would we be a bit longer?"

"Well I was going to give you a tour of my kingdom"


"Ok, ok calm down, I will have to carry you though."

"That's what I want" at that he scoops me up bridal style and starts flying over the huge ocean of lava that was next to the palace. As we flew you notice the beauty of the Nether. All the tutorials online (you watched some stuff on Minecraft before you bought the game) said that the Nether was a horrible place of death and despair and to be avoid at all costs but this place was completely different to that. There was a ocean of burning lava but it looked like a ocean of rippling stained glass. There was the crying ghasts but there cries blended together to create beautiful music. There was the blood red netherrack that looked like rubies sparkling in the glowstones light. Then I looked at the ruler of it all, his kind face and glowing eyes. He looked down at me and smiled, I notice that his teeth are ever so slightly pointed, even that I found comforting because it makes him look tough. 

"It's nice that you think of me like that" Says Herobrine. Then I remember that he can read minds but I want him to know what I think of him and his kingdom. "I know you do". He says

"Take me to the most beautiful place in the Nether." I say.

"I know somewhere." Then he changes direction and flies towards a cliff overlooking a ocean of lava. As he lands he sets me down on the netherrack and walks over to the edge. As he sits down he pats the ground beside him and I walk over to him and sit down, dangling my legs over the edge and putting my head on his shoulder. 

"You know I love you" I say.

"I know, but I still love to hear you say that Y/N." I watch the ghasts float around lazily in the air. As I looked around my eyes fall on a bit of green dust floating in the air. It looks almost identical to the dust that a enderman leaves when it teleports except for the fact they it was green. I turn around to find a person watching me. The person skin looked like its made is little bits of blackish gray on a dark green. He had a creeper hoodie and gray cargo pants. I)) jump up with Herobrine quickly following. "Who are you!?!"

"I am everything and nothing." He replies

"Ummm so what's your name?" Asks Herobrine

"I am life and death."

"Yes well what is your name?"

"I am..." was all he managed to say before Herobrine interrupted him.

"Ok if you are not going to answer can you please leave my kingdom?"

"I am the ruler and the most wanted person in all worlds."

"Ok this guys mad we'll just escort him back to the Overworld." Says Herobrine as he starts walking towards the person but then the person draws a sword on him. The sword was green with black binary swirling around it (Binary is code or ones and zeros). Herobrine stoped and slowly backed away. "Hey dude put that sword away we aren't going to hurt you we are just going to get you to the nearest mental hospital (Ok so quick thing here I AM NOT MAKING OF MENTAL HEALTH IT IS JUST A STORY SO NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE WITH MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS). 

"I am not mad you are the mad one experiment 1"

"Ok first who is experiment 1 and second you are definitely the mad one here"

"Once I am the last experiment I will rule all forever and never"

"What are you talking about?!?!"

"But before that happens I need you out of the picture." He says has he points the sword at me. 

"Ok this is getting out of hand. I didn't want to do this but you didn't leave me a choice. No one threatens Y/N, no one." Herobrine says before taking out his diamond sword (his white one with the crackling lightning is only for extreme situations) and rushes the man but the man just teleports in front of you.

"I am truly sorry but experiment 1 can't have friends" he says as he stabs you through the stomach.

A/N dun Dun DUN. More cliffhangers and more romance. Ok so again sorry for not updating but I will now probably only update on weekends unless I somehow manage to finish a part during the week but that will be rare. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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Star Eyes A Herobrine x Reader StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя