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This is were I found the image not sure if this person owns it. . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.

A/N I have a important question at the end of this chapter. CAN YOU PLEASE ANSWER IT? Anyway on with the story.

I just stare at them. They looked so weak. There eyes where a faded pink colour. There skin was a dark grey, some of them even had white patches on their skin. Fregan looked up and when he saw me fear flashed across his eyes. Then I heard in mine head

"Y/ N did they catch you too?!"

"No Fregan they think I'm human, I'm going to try and free you"

"No Y/ N you have to get out of here while you still can"

"No I'm-"

"NO Y/ N you need to get out of here"

"Ok-ok, but I'll come back for you"

"No Y/ N I never want you to come near this place ever again"

"I can't do tha-"


"O-ok but promise me you'll try and escape?"

"Fine if that's what it takes you to leave"

"Ok, I hope to see you one day again"

"You too". Then I turned to face the police man,

"Sir I want to leave this place"

"That's fair enough these things disgust me too"

"Y-yea..." So I walk out of the building and out of town, I get to the edge of the forest and I decide to wait here for the night then if my group do sent show up my midday tomorrow I'll go into the forest myself. I go to sleep that night in a small cave I found just inside the forest. I woke up and imminently heard screaming coming from the town. I run to the edge of the forest and see that there are 5 Ender Titans running around killing people. I did notice that they seemed to avoid anyone who didn't attack them, but they attacked every guard. I was about to step out of the forest when Fregan appears in front of me.

"Y/N I told you not to be here"

"I was just waiting inside the forest and then I heard screams, of course I'm going to come running out"

"Yea good point, well I succeeded in my promise . I escaped."

"Good job, where did the others come from?"

"Oh they where captured every now and again."

"How long where you there?"

"Nearly 3 months I think"

"How did you escape?"

"Well the guards got board and just started playing cards outside our room so we just turned into our human form and the chains and the rabbit just slid right of us. Then we just turned into our Titan form and teleported out"

"Great Idea! Also how did you get all the way out here?"

"Well I woke up in a field about 4 months ago..."

"Was it a field just to the south of here, near the town of Birch?"

"Yes actually it was, how do you know?"

"I woke up in that same field last full moon"

"Hmm this is very interesting, we have been known to very rarely teleport in our sleep to objects so high in magic that they distort the laws of physics"

Star Eyes A Herobrine x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now