Part 40-Pure Joy

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Just realized I never included a picture of Tri. So here is one! I don't own the art, this person does . If you dont want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.


I freeze. I know that voice. I know who it is. He can't be here. I turn around. It's him. He's on the edge of the camp. He has his sword. I need to run. Everyone needs to run. NOW! 

"EVERYONE RUN NOW! FOLLOW ME!" I scream. Fregan instantly transforms and teleports over too me and then Linda, Tim, John and Joseph also run over too me. Then I take one look back and see him surrounded by dark green fire. Then I turn back and run even faster with everyone following me. I stayed in my human form because I didn't want the humans falling behind. Then when I thought we where far enough away and we had lost him for the minute I asked Linda to pass me the book and I checked what way we where going and by shear luck we had run in the direction of the Nether Portal. So we kept running for at least another hour. When we finally reached the clearing where the Nether Portal was it was empty.

"NO! Please no. I just want to go home. Where is it! I just want to see Herobrine again!" I say in frustration. Then I hear Redstone activating and then a Nether Portal raised out of the ground. "I'm going home."

"Um who should go first?" Asked John

"Me of course"

"Ok." Then I jumped through the portal. Landing on the other side I saw the beautiful landscape before me. The sudden warmth made my skin tingle and my eyes water. I suddenly realize that I'm in my Titan form. Then I feel a sudden need to roar. It was a need like nothing I had ever felt before. It was even stronger then what I had felt on the full moon. I slowly unhinged my jaw and looked up at the ceiling. Then I screamed my joy of being home to the whole dimension.

Ender's POV

I was laying on the floor of  Y/N's room. I knew I wasn't supposed to be here. Ever since Y/ N had disappeared 2 weeks ago Herobrine had not let anyone near her room. Almost imminently after she left Experiment 4 showed up and attacked the castle then just as we where pushing him back he had grabbed Three and the last thing we saw was him stabbing Three. Then Three showed up in his bedroom the next day completely healed but he was panicking about Y/ N and was saying how she was living in a Birch tree. So we just left him be until he calms himself down. Herobrine has very rarely been in the castle as he was mostly out searching for Y/N. When he was here he just locked himself in his room. I missed her. Then I heard something. My head shot up. I knew that sound, I had never heard it before but I knew what it ment. The most pure of joy. I don't know who made that noise but I knew how to respond and I did. I stood up and charged out of the room and down the stairs and out the front entrance I reared up on my hind legs and spread my wings and roared as loud as I could so I could help this creature in spreading its joy to the rest of the world. After roaring for about 2 minutes straight I got back down on all four legs and turned to go back into the castle when I saw that Null was standing there. Then I noticed that I was accidentally in my Adult form. So I was almost the size of the castle. I quickly went back to my human form. He walked up to me and asked

"It was her wasn't it...". Then I realized what the sound was. It was her.

"Yes it was. She has come home".


I finished out roaring. Then I turned around and saw that Fregan and everyone else was there. I quickly shifted back into my human  Then I heard it a beautiful single note almost flowing through the air. It was almost an echo of my roar if it had been sung by mother nature herself. I knew at once who it was

"Ender..." I say

"Who?" Asks John 

"One of my friends"

"She's the last one isn't she?" Asked Fregan

"Yes that's her"

"What are you guys talking about?" Asks Linda

"You'll see when we get there or if she finds us first. All I can say is that it means that we are close"


"Anyway I need to find a way of transporting all of you..."

"Couldn't we just walk?" Asked Joseph. Then I noticed that they where all standing too far back too see all the lava. 

"Come over here and I will show you why we can't just walk". So he walked over and gasped. 

"Oh. Maybe we could at least walk part of the way and then work out what to do"

"I suppose so. I'll fly on ahead so I can see if there is anything dangerous"

"Well let's start!" Said Tim. So I spread my wings and then shot up into the sky. Remembering the Magenta fire I had created and then imagining it like a sort of beacon. I made myself glow a bright magenta. Then I flew ahead and after meeting a few mobs I realized that Herobrine must have finally told everyone who I was, I quickly spread the message about my friends and that they are not to be harmed. I eventually saw a impassable river of lava. So I landed in front of the group and said 

"Ok so guys there is a river of lava just ahead so I think I will need to carry you one at a time across"

"Umm ok..." said Tim

"So who's going first?"

"Well I can just teleport" said Fregan, who I know noticed was in his human form. 

"True so who's second?"

"I'll go" said Linda

"Ok but to have the strength the lift all of you across I will have to be in my Titan form"

"O-ok". So I transformed and gently as I could picked up Linda then spreading my wings flew over the river and safety put her down. Then I repeated the processes with John and Joseph. When I went back for Tim I first asked him telepathically

"Are you sure your ok with this? I know your not exactly comfortable with my kind"

"N-no its ok, but is there another way?"

"We could through you across but that would involve a Ender Titan throwing you and another Ender Titan catching you"

"Umm first plan please"

"Sure so do you want me to do it slowly or get it over with fast?"

"Um fast please". 

"Ok" so I pick him up and a bit faster than usual I flew him over and put him down. Then I hear a sound that sounds like a arrow flying through the air. I turn and see a white streak flying through the air towards me. "HERO!" I scream changing back into my human form I fly over the fastest I have ever flew and we both stopped before hitting each other then we just hugged and cried into each others shoulders.

A/N I know a sort of happy/sad ending to the end of the part. Also speaking of happy and sad the vote in the part 'Fregan's Return' is still going on so please comment your answer so far a sad ending is winning. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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Star Eyes A Herobrine x Reader Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن