Part 48- It was to come.

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This is where I found the image . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down. If you are confused about the choice of art it will become clear later in the chapter.

A/N Hey Dragons. What do you think I should do for getting to 50 chapters? I know that a lot of people get there and its no big deal but because this is still the first book I have ever written I would like to do something special. Anyway on with the story!

I quick as I can transform into my Titan form (I am still going to call it my Titan form but just know that I am talking about my Alpha Titan form)  and swirl around and grab 4 by the neck. "Hey you really don't want to be touching me right now. I could always teleport and you would be teleported with me." I quickly let go of him. He just backs up leaning his back against the wall he look at his new left arm. "Quite a great thing this is. Isn't it?"

"Yea well you had no right to take it." I say to him in my creepily deep voice.

"Ooh scary. Ya anyway I still need you to bite me."

"As I said before there is no way I am doing it."

"Well yes you are because I don't think withers no how to swim."

"Wha... oh no. You can't do that to Tri he is only a baby!"

"Well he might be by your standards but withers age mentally rather quickly so he knows perfectly well what's going on." 

"Please give him back i..." 

"NO Y/ N DON'T DO IT!" Ender says as she literally shatters the door and jumps at 4 but he teleports out of the way and she lands on all fours in her Dragon form. I am about to try and calm her down before she accidentally kills us all when I turn to see Notch standing at the entrance to the doorway with Ben standing behind him. When Experiment 4 turns towards them his eyes go straight to Ben and they lock eyes for about 5 seconds. Then Ben shakes his head and 4 gives him an evil grin and he opens his mouth to say something. When he is engulfed in a purple flame. I turn to see Ender with her wings spread and almost as tall as the roof at her back. Breathing a steady and powerful blast at 4. Then I see a small but of gold in the fire. It started growing until it created a golden shield with dark green swirls in it. He started slowly advancing towards Ender when suddenly, Notch seeing the gold magic shot a bolt of pure gold at his head but he managed to duck but he lost his concentration and had to dive out of the way of the fire. After getting up he shot a beam of green at Ender from his right arm. She made a inhuman scream and collapsed. I felt a sudden rage like something I had only felt during the last full moon. I charged at 4 extending my royal wings and stabbing him in the stomach with both of my horns than flipping my head back I flung him across the room and he hit his back and head on the opposite wall. He slumped over unconscious. I felt the rage start to dissipate. I turned to 4 and shook him awake. 

"Huh wh... what happened?"

"I beat you."

"Oh... Hey you know what if you let me go the first thing I will do is go and get your Wither friend?"

"Hmm I don't trust you whatsoever but this is the only way we will get Tri back so you can go."

"Ok but you will have to let me go otherwise you will teleport with me." So I let him go and disappears instantly. I change back to my human form and wait for about 20 minutes before we get a quick flash of 4 and suddenly my little grey tornado is flying over to me but he accidentally knocked me over because he wasn't so little anymore. I noticed that he had a little piece of paper taped to the back of him. I take it of and read it. 

"Hey Notch I think this is in Swedish can I have some help?"

"Yea sure what is it?"

"I think its a note that 4 left. Röd drake. Does that mean anything to you?" He was silent for a second. Then in a quiet voice he said.

"Y-yes that means something to me."

"What does it mean?" 

"It means that he has found a way to get to the unfinished mobs in my testing rooms."


"He must have gained the ability to open them when he got my arm."

"What does the actual word translate to?" He looked at Ender for a second then said.

"Ender do you mind if you leave the room for a bit? You too Null and Ben."

"Ok?" Says Null. Then all three of them leave the room and go their separate ways. I turn back to Notch and I am shocked. He has tears in his eyes. 

"Notch are you ok?"

"Yes I am fine, I just was particularly find of the mob he is talking about."

" you think he killed it?"

"Oh no it was far too power full to do that. No he would have found a way to corrupt it."

"Why did you want everyone else to leave the room?"

"Well when I planned for this creature. Steve had recently killed the last known Ender Dragon. So I wanted something I could use to replace them. I didn't know at the time that Ended was still alive. So now once I found out about Ender. I thought I could help both species because you know. He was male but now his species will always be seen in a bad light."

"What is his species?"

"Well true to popular demand from the players. People had been wanting a rain able Dragon for a wile now, so I decided to use these circumstance to make an excuse to do it. So I created the first Red Dragon.

A/N The red Dragon was an actual planed feature until Notch sold Minecraft to Microsoft. Now I don't know if they will add it. Well anyway that was what the image was if you where wondering. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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