Part 17-Grey Evil, Grey Good

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Ok so I went a bit overboard but this is what Ender looked like when she went *slightly* out of control. Also I don't know who owns this image but this is where I found the image . If the owner of the image finds this, if you don't want me using your image tell me and I will take it down.

A/N really sorry for not updating but I will remember now. So on with the story.

I look around the cave. Everyone was there Three, Null, Steve, Alex, Ender even Notch was there which I was surprised about. "Ok guys what are we doing now?" I ask.

"Well Y/N, 48 hours have passed so you can go back to Minecraft if you want." Says Herobrine

"Yes that would be great but first there is something I want to do"

"Whats that" asks Notch

"Ohh you'll see"


I walk into the school like everything is normal, no Herobrine no any one. It's just to great of a opportunity for her to pass up. As expected B/N walks out in front of you with her friends. "Ohh hey Y/N" she calls. 

"Hey B/N"

"So no freak boyfriends today which means no protection"

"Yes I suppose that's right"

"Whats so funny?"

"Ohh its just that you still think I'm defenceless"

"Why would you not be defenceless?"

"Because over the past 2 months I have been to 2 different dimensions, died, met the God of minecraft, fell in love with his brother, been stabbed, grew wings, got kidnapped multiple times, went to Antarctica and you think that YOU have been my biggest problem. Well B/ N you are wrong I have learned to defend myself and since I am leaving this dimension soon I don't have to worry." At that I spread my Royal Wings which are a deep purple with magenta fire coming of them.

"AHHHHHH" all the bullies scream. I fly at them and pick up B/N by the hood of her jumper. She screams as we fly over the houses and when we eventually arrive at clear area with no people nearby everyone else teleports or in the case of Steve, Alex and Ender are teleported there by someone else. Everyone was in there natural forms and where all somehow managing to look terrifying except Steve who looked like he wasn't sure why he was there, which come to think of it he probably didn't. 

"Well do you have anything to say for your self?" Asks Null

"What do you mean?"

"Well you are B/N aren't you?"


"Well then you are the one who bullied Y/N are you not?"

"Wait who are you guys?" she asks

"I am Null, I am a sentient computer virus. That's Entity 303, he is a sentient glitch. That's Ender, she is a Dragon. That's Notch, He is *cough cough* the God of Minecraft. That's Steve, there isn't really anything special about him. That's Alex, her relationship with Steve is complicated she is also a bounty hunter. Finally that is Herobrine he is the ruler of the Nether and also has powers over lightning."

"Umm ok so can I leave now?"

"No we need to decide what your punishment should be for bullying Y/N". So Herobrine Three and Null all start talking to one another and arguing. 

"We should set her on fire!" Said Three

"That is a terrible idea, I say we just bring her to the Nether for a week" said Hero

"Why don't we haunt her, that'll be fun" said Null

"I like my plan" said Three

"That's not a surprise" said Null

"Why don't we add all of are ideas together, except Threes?" Asks Hero

"Why not my idea?" Asks Three

"Because we don't want to be murderers!" Said Null

"Ok guys shut up I say we just each do our own small punishment THAT WON'T KILL HER!" I say

"You know what I agree to that plan." Says Hero

"So no fire?" Asks Three

"NO FIRE!!!" We all scream at him

"Ok they're all very good ideas but where is B/N?" Asks Notch. We all turn around only to see that B/ N isn't there. I walk over to where we had last seen her and all I found was a bit of green dust.

"No no no NO!" I scream.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Asks Alex

"She has been taken"

"By who?"

"The man who killed me"

"Who is he?"

"I don't know but I think I need to talk with Notch for a bit" I say "in private". Everyone walks about 20 meters away and Notch comes and sits on a rock next to me.

"Whats wrong?"

"Do you remember when you said that Herobrine, Steve and Alex weren't the only ones?"

"Yes that was just after I had lost my arm" at that he glances at his stub of a shoulder as though he still can't believe he lost his arm.

"What did you mean by that?"

"Well about a year after I created Alex I wanted to get rid of Herobrine because he was still my enemy at that point. So I tried to create something stronger then Herobrine but something I could still control. During the final bits of coding something became corrupted, this is normal in coding but at that point it was almost midnight and I needed to go to bed. When I woke up something was happening I think Herobrine was attacking actually. Anyway I had to leave the project till later and later until eventually I forgot about it. I had left it in one of the rooms that I create Artificial Intelligence in. One day I was writing myself a note when I saw a small piece of paper wedged under the desk when I picked it up I realized it was a reminder to fix the new A.I from ages ago. So I went downstairs to where he was being kept. It was gone, the damage was resent almost just before I had got there."

"The man that attacked us had Gray skin with green particles coming of it. He also had black eyes like the complete opposite of Herobrine." I said

"Yea that would be the corruption, he was ment to have brown eyes". Then we hear the sound of someone teleporting in and we turn around to see 'him' but this time he didn't come alone.

A/N ok so sorry for the slow updating but I have been busy. I will be trying to update more regularly now. Anyway see you later Dragon Champions!

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