Part 45-Unexpected Upgrade

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So I can't find where this picture comes from. So sorry. If you own this picture and you don't want me using it tell me and I will take it down.

A/N Ok so for the full moon to take affect the Ender Titan has too either see the full moon or have the light of the full moon shine onto them. Anyway on with the story!

He turned towards me. Still holding Notchs arm with his remaining arm. "n-no not now I'm not ready". I stand up summoning my royal sword.

"Well I'm ready. Ready to end this!"

"No! It can't end like this!". Then he puts down the arm and summons his own sword. I can see that his strength is weakening from the black blood that is pouring out from his injury. He takes a step forward but collapses onto one knee. I also step forward but then his entire mood changes and he teleports over to a lever and pulls it suddenly the roof opens up and I look up to see more and more layers of stone and dirt being pulled away by pitsions. Then I see it. The full moon is directly above me. Then I hear the little voice.

"Hello again"

"NO! PLEASE NO!" I scream

"Come on I'm right over here" says 4 tauntingly.

"Go on go bite him, he is literally asking for it" the voice says.

"I wont even resist you! You can even bite me!". Then I relize his plan

"NO!" I yell but only a roar comes out. I feel my form changing but this time I try to resist it and the change ends up hurting like it originally did. I collapse onto the ground and then something clicks in my head. "What about if I just rip him apart instead of bit him cleanly?"

"Come at me, embrace the monster that you really are!" He yells at me. Then my vision gets a reddish tint and I feel like I am on auto pilot. I stand and turn towards him. The rage I feel pulsing in me, it scared me but... it also comforted me. Suddenly his eyes get a look of fear in them. Genuine fear. He starts backing up and flicks the lever again closing the hole up to my moon. I feel mild annoyance towards that. When he reaches the corner he glances around and teleports out of the room.

Experiment 4's POV (haven't had one of these in a while)

I teleport to my dungeon and find B/ N there. "OK time to go. We like really need to run" I say as I undo the chains around her hands.

"What? Why? What happened to your arm?"

"That!" I say as the doors are shattered to splinters. I grab her and I am about to teleport when I remember the most important part of my plan. "His arm!"

"The what?"

"I need to go back for something. I need you to run around and try to stay alive"

"Wait wh-" is all she gets out before I teleport back to the lab. Grabbing his arm I carefully position it on my wound and grabbing a vile if his blood I pour one drop of it onto the injury. A warm feeling spreads over my whole arm and then a feeling of incredible energy comes shooting up the arm and through my whole body. I nearly pass out from the power. Then I hear a scream.

"B/ N..." I teleport to her room to find it standing at the entrance to her wardrobe. It started to reach forward. Then without meaning to I shoot a pure beam of golden energy with some of my dark green mixed in. It hits it and it falls to the ground.


I fall to the ground after a huge amount of power hit me in the side. I try to stand up but collapse as a wave of power passes through my body. Just feel a huge amount of pain at the base of my tail bone and on the top of my head. Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse the pain spread to the rest of my body. I felt like I was being stretched. Then I passed out from the pain.

Experiment 4's POV

I ran over to the wardrobe and opened it and a unconscious B/ N falls out I quickly catch her and am about to leave the room when I see that it is glowing. The glowing surrounds the whole body, its a mix of magenta and gold. Then I realize what's happening to its body. I quickly teleport to one of my other bases.


I wake up. I don't think I have been unconscious for that long. I stand up and hit my head on the roof. "Ouch. Just thought this room was big enough for my form?" I glance down just in time  to see some golden tattoos fade to a dark purple. I look up and realize that the roof had sustained a lot more damage then me. The roof was cut with two slits. I put my hand to my head and felt what felt like two horns. "What the-" then something slaps my leg and I jump back and hit my head again. "Oh come on" I bend down again and look to what had slapped me, it was a tail. It was long and ended in a spike. Then I realized that it belonged to me. "Umm how did this happen?" Then I remembered everything. I quickly teleport to the surface and looking around I see the forest that had the Nether Portal in it. I teleport over to it and walk in the direction of the portal. Eventually I get to the clearing and I say what I said last time. "All I want is too see Herobrine again". Again I hear the Redstone and a portal rises out of the floor. I walk in and I summon my wings which have yet again changed now the feathers on the front/top of the wings was the same midnight black as my skin and the rest of the feathers where their usual magenta. I flew back to Herobrines castle and flew straight into my window then I teleported into Vallrons room. 

"Wh- who's there?"

"Vallron its me Y/ N. I was just wondering what happens to me?"

"Well come into the light to I can see"

"O-ok" I step out into the light and his jaw unhinges and hangs open.

"I-I have no idea..."

A/N Who Hoo! We are getting somewhere in this story. Anyway I haven't got anything else to say. So see you later Dragon Champions!

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