Part 8-Null

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This is Alex. I do not own the art. This person does . If you don't want me using your art just tell me and I will remove it.

A/N I haven't got anything to say so on with the story!

Null POV

Alex, I know that name but does she know mine? "Alex I know who you are but do you know who I am?". I ask 


"It's not a good that we start a friendship with a lie".

"I'm not starting a friendship with 'you'."

"Please actually use my name" Then I  notice that I am now looking like my usual self. "AHHHHHHH how did this happen where did my disguise go". I look at my self still shocked "wait what time is it".

"8:00 am" (just pretend that one night had passed since she first saw the man and when she starts thinking about him)

"Ah that's why it has been 24 hours"

"Wait so who are you?"

"I thought you said you knew who I was?"

"Yea well I think I guessed wrongly because I don't think Herobrine looks like that. "



"You wouldn't understand anyway I am actually Null"

"Wait what, your Null!"

"Umm yea you know Black Skin, Glowing White Eyes and Freaking Smoke coming of me!" As I'm thinking to myself I realize something "wait why did you mistake me for Herobrine?" 

"H-he was waiting at my front door for me"

"What's your normal job?"

"I'm a Bounty Hunter"

"Ahhh that's why, so Herobrine wanted to hire you to find me. I suppose I should go back" As I stand up to leave.

"Hey just a minute if you have a bounty I am going to claim it."

"So you are going to deliver me to the place that I am going anyway?"


"Ok". As she starts escorting me to her Nether Portal I sort of regret saying who I am but the deed is done so as I am escorted to my home I start thinking of what I should say to Ender. Then I realize I have a girl next to me. "Hey what do you think I should say to this girl who poured her heart out at me and then kissed me.

"Well what did you do next"

"I teleported to a different dimension" as I say that I realize how Ender must feel I only got to feel that feeling for a moment before I got slapped across the face. "Ouch what was that for?"

"That is for doing the complete opposite of what you are supposed to do when a girl does that." 

"Well how was I supposed to know that that was only the second girl I had ever talked to properly in years and the first one was only the night before."

"Wait so your telling me that I am the third girl you have properly talked to in years!"

"Yea pretty much" at this point we where in the Nether and I could actually see Herobrines Castle. But then we heard a explosion behind us and we turn around to see that a ghast had the worst aim in the history of aiming and accidentally blow up the portal.

"WHYYYYYYYYY now we are going to be stuck here forever!" 

"Umm no we won't" I say.

"And why's that?!?!?"

"Because I can teleport" and at that comment I teleport out of her grip and sprout my Shadow Wings (I have mentioned it once before but some of the character's have wings but Herobrine, Three and Null all have special wings these wings are called .... I haven't come up with a name yet so if you can come up with something better then 'Power Wings' please comment. Also the individual names of the wings are Herobrine: Storm Wings, Null: Shadow Wings and finely Three: Inferno Wings.) As I fly of towards the castle I feel bad about running but I need to get back to the castle as quickly as possible so I land at the doors to the castle and open the doors to find nothing. Nothing, nothing at all no one waiting to welcome me back no one to hug me. Then I realize something Y/N she must be still here because Herobrine told me she isn't ready to leave the castle yet so I go up to our room and find her asleep. So I decide to just shake her awake. As she wakes up I get another slap to the face.

"Null you gave me a heart attack!"

"Well I didn't mean to"

"Well your back so you can go try and find Ender so she can stop crying".

"Wait as she been crying all this time?"

"Well not non-stop but most of the time, she is also refusing to eat or sleep".

"Ahhhh I feel so bad what should I do?"

"Say sorry" (literally the only real world advise I would give to someone if a similar thing happens 😅)

"Well ok if you think so"

As we walk around trying to find Ender we hear a door crash open and voices start screaming I teleport downstairs with Y/N running after me. We find Herobrine passed out, with  Three on the floor bleeding with a sword through his stomach.

A/N MORE CLIFFHANGERS MUAAAAAAAAAM. Sorry if this sounds a little rushed or short but my readers wanted it out as soon as possible (I'm looking at you HeroBrine969) so anyway here it is part 8. Remember if you can think of a better name then 'Power Wings' also you can make your own character but be warned it will most probably be the person that stabbed Three (the villain I log the story) so please tell me I am lost for ideas. Any way see you later Dragon Champions!

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