Part 28-Not So Shady Back-Ally

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Ok so the website for this image doesn't work but I will give it anyway so that the artist gets credit . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down.

A/N OK so guys I have been reminded of Ben and now I feel bad that he was sort of forgotten. I will make sure that his story comes into effect soon. Also I need to clarify that endermen can speak both English and the language of the Ender Titans but any other mobs speak mobish which is spoken by all mobs including endermen and Ender Titans. Also Herobrine is king over all the hostile mobs except the ones from the End. Also I can change part of me into my Titan form if I want to such as only changing my eyes purple or just changing my hand. Anyway on with the story!

I entered the ally and the first thing I noticed was how many mobs there where! There was everything from zombies to blazes. It didn't really look like a black market it just looked like a normal market. I was about to walk over to one of the stalls when suddenly out of nowhere an enderman ran at me and knocked me to the ground and beind a wall, he pined me to the ground in a way so that I looked directly into his eyes. "Humans are not aloud here, now get out before things get messy" he says. I laugh out loud. "What? You think this is funny!? "

"no I just feel that your going to regret saying that! " I say. Then I transform into my Titan form. He quickly got off me and started bowing.

"I-i am very sorry Ms, do you wish for me to escort through this humble market.

"thank you, but I would prefer to be able to experience this market alone. Although if another of my species enters and his name is Vallron please escort him to me"

"of course my lady also my name is Mintral " and then he disappeared as he teleported away. I noticed that I could sense where he had teleported to. I thought that that must be how endermen followed each other through teleports. I walked fully into the market in my Titan form. All the mobs turned to look at me. All the endermen either bowed or kneeled. A couple other mobs bowed as well. I walked further into the market before I realized that to go further into the market I would need to be in my human form because the ceiling was two low in some places (this market has a giant cover over the whole thing. They did this so that the market could be open during the day as well. Otherwise all the mobs that burn in daylight wouldn't be able to go to market during the day. )

"Mintral!" I call

"yes my lady? " he says appearing at my side.

"I wish for you to inform all the guards that I will be traversing this market in my human form due to hight restrictions"

"oh course, do you wish for me to inform the whole market? "

"no I wish to see what the other mobs will think of a 'human' walking in there market"

"of course my lady". So I went into one of the many ally's coming of the market and then transformed. I walked out and I noticed that all the guards nodded at me.  I walked into the market and I started to notice the looks of hatred I was getting from the mobs. I continued walking further into the market until I was walking past one the stalls and the two zombies who where standing beside it grabbed me and through me into a ally and walked in blocking the way out with their own body's.

"well well well look what we have here" one of the zombies says to the other in mobish.  Lucky I can understand mobish now.

"well it looks like we have a very tasty looking human Bonecrusher (that's his name)" says the bigger and more muscular zombie

"yes a Very Tasty Looking human. Do you think it would mind if we ate it Fleshslicer? (that's the other ones name)" says the smaller Skinner zombie.

"yes I would mind" I replied in mobish. Then I saw the zombie guard standing behind Fleshslicer and Bonecrusher.

"did she just speak in mobish?" says Bonecrusher.

"I think she did" says Fleshslicer

"Yes she did, and you know the rules on trying to eat another mob.  Especially one of her kind" says the guard that was standing behind them.
"what do you mean one of her kind, she's human? " says Fleshslicer as him and Bonecrusher turn around. Then while there not looking I turn into my Titan form.

"are you sure that she is human? " asks one of the guards. While winking at me.

"yes look so she's.... Oh" says Bonecrusher as him and Fleshslicer turn around. 

"Now may I continue with my day?" I say

"umm yea" says Fleshslicer

"thank you, now do you serve Herobrine? "

"yes of course he's our king" they both say

"well then, you should know that I'm his girlfriend "

"umm well we are very sorry  for what we did. We thought you where a human. Also quick question why where you in your human form?"

"the ceiling is two low"

"ok". Then I transformed into my human form and walked back into the market. I walked past more looks of hatred although now there seemed to be less zombies doing it. I guess word spreads quickly. So I walked towards the stalls where they where selling food.  I saw one stall that was selling fruit it was being run by a spider. 

"excuse me but I was wondering if you sold Chorus fruit"

"no and even if I did I wouldn't sell it to a human"

"do you know where I can find someone who does sell Chorus fruit? "

"yes but I won't tell you! "


"you know what I have had enough, Guards!"

"yes Web? " says a spider guard!

"can you tell this human to go away? ". The spider turned towards me and winked at me with one of his eyes. Then he turned back to Web.

"what human?"

"that one! "

"I don't see any human"

"very funny. THIS ONE! " says Web as she uses one of her long hairy legs to tap me on the head."

"she's not a human"


"how about we talk about this in a more privet area? "

"humph sure". So we walk to one of the ally's and Web enters first

"well I can confirm that I am not human"

"really? "


"how? "

"Like this." then I transform into my Titan form. She reacts a bit before becoming calm again.

"well I don't bow down to the End"

"well maybe you will to Herobrines girlfriend?"

"yes... Wait your Herobrines girlfriend?!?!?!"



"now will you tell me where I can get Chorus fruit? "

"you can get Chorus fruit at the last shop in the market."

"thank you" I start to walk of

"wait! You should know that the stall is run by a Ender Titan"


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