Part 60-The Battle Part 1

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I do not own the picture. I think this person does . If you don't want me using your art tell me and I will take it down. Picture of the red dragon if you can't already guess.

A/N I am very sorry about missing an update but I have a good reason for it. I have begun the EDITING PROCESS! I have so far edited about the first 13 chapters. Anyway on with the story!

Its been 11 hours. I have practiced blocking magic which is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Anyway Hero explained to me that to block a spell you basically need to have a decent amount of energy and immense concentration. I decide to go to the war room to see what the plan is. I teleport there and see Null standing there with that purple robed skeleton from before. I see a sort of hologram thing on the table that I realize is actually made of Null material. I walk over and Null seeing me beckons me to stand next to him. "Y/ N I am going to call everyone down here for a final meeting." Then he goes quite and everyone teleports down or runs in. We all get around the table and Null starts explaining. "Ok so guys we will get there a bit early so that we can take the defensible spot on top of this hill." He says while pointing to a large hill that was on one side of the field. The other two sides to the suspiciously triangular shaped field was a roofed forest and a flower field. As I was looking at the 3D map I noticed something.

"Hey Null is there a way we can see the inside of the terrain?" I said

"Yea sure why?"

"I have a theory." Then the ground disappeared and we saw a huge cave system that had entrances at the back of the hill and went to just below the ground of the field. "Look! If we have part of the army hidden we can have a element of surprise."

"How did I not notice this before?"

"Ok but there is a problem." Said Three. I look at where he is pointing and see that there is a very narrow tunnel from the flower field to the cave system.

"Well what about if we have an ambush there just in case Notchs army comes through." I say

"How do you know it will be Notch and not Him?" Says Null

"Can you really imagine 4 and his Army of Chasik and what ever other monstrosities he has coming marching out of a flower field? Or Notch and his Army come marching out of a dark and gloomy roofed forest?"

"Yea not really. Ok so General can you continue looking over this map for anymore tunnels into the main system?"

"Yes sir but I have noticed something odd." Said the purple robed skeleton.


"Look down." The whole map moves upwards so we can see that the cave system stretches all the way down to bed rock but right at the bitten is a HUGE room it takes up about half of the table.

"Well would you look at that. The spiders that went on the scout missions said that that this particular cave could have just about anything in it because it was so big and dark that they couldn't see what was at the bottom or the other side because they entered here." Says Null as he points to a entrance at the top part of one of the walls. I notice that Ender is staring at the room and seems to have a lightbulb moment and looks at me.

"Y/N..." she says


"That cave how big is it?"

"I don't know I would guess at about 500 blocks squared. Why?"

"That's where he is keeping it."

"Keeping what?"

"The Dragon."

"Oh... well it would be big enough and it would explain why He wanted the battle there."

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