Nefelibata #25

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"BASHERS"written by: Thartzo9edited by: kenzxxi

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written by: Thartzo9
edited by: kenzxxi

Bashers are not just bashers
They are also your readers
And as a reader, they have the right to critique your story and leave a feedback
But still, they should know their limitations,
They should know when to step back

While you, as a writer
You should help you readers understand your story better
If they bash you and say something awful
Prove them wrong and show them who's in control

You write a story because writing is your hobby
And it makes you happy
You didn't write to pleased anyone
You write a story to share your ideas to everyone.

If someone praise you for you work,
Take that as an inspiration
If someone critique your story and bashed your work,
Take that as a motivation.

Always view things in a positive perspective
Always think positive
Ignore all your thoughts if it is something negative.

But if your basher wouldn't stop bashing you
If they keep on saying negative comments to you
Never let it pass
Kick their ass!
Show them you are not guilty for what they impute
Fight for what you believe is right!

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