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"I am a soldier with a pen in my hand. I fight using my words and write using my mind. With regards to the same fighters such as myself, we will win this war, in a place we've created ourselves. So do not back down, soldier. We are all warriors of today and defenders of tomorrow."

"Grab your pen and make your own way. Stop thinking what others will say. Write because you love writing. Write! Just keep going!"

"Through writing is what reality becomes fantasy, go wander and write beyond your imagination, wonder creatively imaginative for finally you shine as the sunrise enlightened other people's doubt of your passion."

Dreams flutter you high in the sky. Let the ink of your pen colors the wind. Let your heart and soul be embraced by your passion. Let the stories in your mind be written to the books and inspire everyone."

"Create your own legacy, filled with wisdom and inspiration."

"Never mind those insects bugging you and making you doubt yourself. Don't let your guards down."

"You are you. You can be the person you want to be. You can do the things you ought to do."

"Just keep on flying high on the sky like a butterfly. Soar high, embrace your passion. Love it."

"Because you may be once a rookie before, like a caterpillar. But remember, you can be a butterfly. You can be who you really are. You can do it."

"Don't be afraid for judgement; criticism is one of the best way to improve your writing skills."

"Write as if you are in the story
Write as if you are the character in the story
Write as if you are writing a diary
Feel free to express your feelings and emotions in this way.
Write your own story
Write your own dream
Write your own life
And lastly, write your own destiny."

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