Final Battle Pt 2

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Shadow's POV

Something clicked. I knew how to defeat Infinite. The weak spot was on his chest, the Phantom Ruby had to be destroyed. Right before I was going to leap onto it and bash it until it was destroyed, two people came in and blasted it with some sort of Wispon. It exploded.

"Y/N's parents?" Sonic said, confusion plastered all over his face. They then landed next to the lifeless body of Y/N who was laying down in Sonic's trembling arms. In the distance, Infinite had exploded along with the Phantom Ruby. His corpse was nowhere to be seen. Had he have been an illusion?

Everyone's full focus turned to Y/N and Sonic. Sonic, who was rocking her back and forth crying whilst singing to her. The song sounded pretty sad, with lyrics like, 'shadows of sadness within your stare' and 'you have not lost a thing'. Damn those got to me. I looked around and saw that most of us started crying, even me. And I don't usually cry. Elise was crying, Amy was crying, Knuckles, Tails, Silver, Rouge, hell I swear that Omega was crying, he doesn't even have the ability to! Y/N's parents were upset, but Sonic looked like he would do anything to bring her back to life, even if that meant to risk his own. "S-Sonic, try doing CPR... that might work," I say giving ideas.

"I-I don't want to hurt her though..." He said, tears still streaming down his face.

"Try it now Sonic, if you want her to live you have to put yourself through things you don't want to do. At least, that's what she'll want you to do." I say, basically forcing him to at least try doing it. He took a long deep breath and placed his hands on her chest, then started pushing his hands into her. Blood started making it's way out of Y/N's mouth and she started to cough. She was alive but wasn't responsive. "Keep going Sonic, don't stop!" Amy said. Sonic kept on pushing, the pain of hurting her was shown all over his face, but he wanted her to live. I closed my fists tight, cringing at all the blood which was escaping her, leaving a pool of blood on her chest and all over her muzzle.

"Y/N don't leave, p-please don't leave me! Y/N! COME ON, Y/N WAKE UP! N-No..." Sonic said, he then pointed to a piece of metal, "someone give me that..." I then got up and picked up the ruler lengthed piece of sharp metal. He took it from me and held it with two hands in front of his chest. "If I wanna see her again, I have to put myself through things I don't wanna do, right? I'll see you guys again.... one day."

"God damn it Sonic!" I say, taking the metal from his hands. Then Amy interrupted.

"GUYS LOOK!" She said, pointing a shaking arm to Y/N. Y/N had moved and made a little moan. Sonic fell to the ground sobbing, full-on crying at this point.

You woke up. The first thing you see was a distraught Sonic, you took his hand and he turned around to look at you. His face said it all. You slowly sat up and threw your arms around him, startling him with your sudden movement. "Never leave me..." You whisper. He nodded and wiped the extra tears away from his face. You looked down at your body which was covered in blood and gagged. "W-what happened?" 

"It's a very long story. Are you alright?" You nodded and without thinking, your lips met with Sonic's. It turned from a small little kiss to a full-on make-out session with everyone watching. Both of you were waiting for this moment since forever. Between the small parts of your lips, you said, "I love y-you..." He smiled and you guys were now on the floor. You heard clapping and whistles from your friends. After a minute or so, both of you parted to get some air. 

Amy's POV

I've never seen anything this cute in my life. Yes, I love Sonic. But what's the point of obsessing over someone who doesn't like you back? I've learnt to love Sonic as a friend and move on from loving him in that other way. As soon as they started kissing I will never forget when everyone turned and faced me. I swear I heard Shadow and Knuckles snicker while I stood there watching. 

10 minutes later...

Everyone returned to their real world. Elise went back to Soleanna and Classic Sonic and Tails went back to Green Hill. Everything was back to normal except all of the damage which was done to Sunset Heights.

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