I'm Not Blushing

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Sonic's POV

I stood in front of the security camera and waved hysterically at it, yelling all sorts of things like, "Hey Egghead! Why don't you come down here and fight me!" It didn't seem to work so I decided to bail the first two steps and just head straight for the iron bar window. I sped around the cell section of the lair and saw a bar window with a blue hedgehog inside. It was Y/N, and she was looking straight to another cell. I couldn't see the other cell but I got on my hands and knees to look through the window and get her attention. The window was just a little above the grassy floor as the cell was underground, and my knees were getting muddy every crawl I took. I then placed both of my hands on the bars and whispered, "Y/N, hey, let's get out of here..." She turned around with a key in her hand, "How the hell did you get that?" She laughed.

"I got Eggman's attention by hysterically waving in the security camera. Eventually, he came, and when he turned around I quickly snatched the keys out of his back pocket!" She smiled and I laughed.

"Not a bad idea..." I say scratching my head as I felt my face start to blush. 

"You're cute when you blush." She said to me, which quickly took me off guard.

"Huh? I'm not blushing, I-I uh..." She giggled and went back to picking the lock and I boosted through the bars, letting myself in. She managed to open the door and rushed to the cell directly in front. I slowly walked behind, seeing that Y/N had managed to carve drawings and words into the cell walls. I moved closer to them and read one out to myself. One of the drawings was of Tails which said: I MISS MY BUDDY TAILS, and another was of Amy which said: I MISS MY BESTIE and the last one was of me, which said: I MISS HIM THE MOST. I wonder what that meant...

I heard a creaking sound of a door opening and looked over to see Y/N and two other hedgehogs hugging and kissing each other. I walked over and Y/N introduced me to them, turns out they were her parents. I shook both of their hands and Y/N's Mum threw her arms around me, dragging me into a hug, Y/N facepalmed. Then we heard a crash sound and the wall behind Y/N and her parents came crashing down, Egghead was in his big robot again. I grabbed Y/N's arm and took her outside keeping her safe and I went back in there to grab her parents, but I was too late. Eggman's robot had grabbed them with its big metal claws and took them up to the very top level of his lair.

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