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When everyone got sucked into the portal...

You and Sonic were left by yourselves with nothing to do. You waited and waited for everyone to come back but nothing happened. Then something slowly made its way towards the both of you, it wasn't clearly noticeable from a distance as there was fog and smoke covering where you and Sonic were standing, but as it came closer you knew exactly what it was. Eggman. He made a robot.

"Ugh do we ever get a break?" I say whining. Sonic shook his head.

"Shit. Looks like he made the robot out of Metal Sonic's material. We're gonna have to find a wispon for you and th-" Sonic moves his eyes from my face to something in the sky. "HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT" Sonic pounced onto me moving me away from whatever he was shielding me from. I opened my eyes and saw a huge red crater in the ground where Sonic was lying, eyes closed.

"S-Sonic?" I crawled my way towards him and he reached out to me with his hand, whilst the other was clutching his stomach. "I-I'll help, what do you want me to do?" He coughed.

"Defeat them." He said, struggling to breathe. "Defeat Eggman, once and for all..."

"What do you mean them?" He pointed behind me.

"That." There was a huge Infinite in the sky, who was charging his powers. On his chest was a huge Phantom Ruby, suddenly he raised his arms to take off his helmet and he did so. It fell to the ground making the ground shake. You then looked up at his face. You remember him. But you can't remember when.

"Do you remember me? Y/N?" You were confused. "I'm your brother. When I got the opening to work with Eggman I erased your memory with a device I handmade myself. I knew if I didn't do something you would tell everyone who I was, I couldn't take that risk. Now, suffer, alongside your friends."


"I was adopted, idiot." You stood there, staring into his red eyes. They were full of hatred, as if fire was burining in them. "As you can see I am about 100x bigger then I usually am, you know all those clones you 'accidentally' created. Yep, I am all of them murged into one. I have no weaknesses, try as much damage as you want on me but I will just recharge my energy. THERE IS NO STOPPING ME!" You turned your head to see Sonic getting up on one knee, getting up to stand next to you. 

"Ready to kick some robot butt?" He said, still holding onto his stomach, you shook your head.

"I need to take on Infinite alone, no help." He had concern plastered all over his face. "Don't worry. Once I'm done we can fight Eggman, for the meantime, you can keep him distracted. Ok? If I catch you coming to help me... ugh never mi-"

"You'll do what?" He said. "You better not do what I think you will do."

"I will. Now leave me." I went to run towards Infinite who was standing in the distance, though he was so big it was like he was apart of the sky. Then something happened which you will never forget, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a kiss. After 6 seconds or so you both pulled away, feeling awkward.

"I will never leave you." He whispered and smiled. Those words never left your head after that...

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