The Cell

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Eggman took you to a cell and threw you in there while locking you up. From what Sonic told you about when he got captured, it was the same type of cell. You walked around the cell, looking for ways to escape out of there, but surprisingly, there weren't any ways to do so. Eggman wasn't usually a guy to succeed, but this time, he did. You moved your way to the uncomfortable looking bed and sat down and it was what it looked. Uncomfortable. 

You couldn't sleep on this, let alone sit on it for even a minute. Your eyes then traveled to the three iron bars forming a window. Strange... for what you know you were in Eggman's basement. But then how is there moonlight coming through? How can I hear owls in the distance? How can I hear the crickets chirping? And why, why is it so peaceful? Do I belong here...? Do I ...really deserve this?  You stop thinking and lay yourself on the cold hard bench, your cheek freezing from the cold metal as you lowered your head onto it, forgetting this isn't your cozy home with blankets...pillows...teddys. "T-Together we can s-show the world what we c-can do..." You whispered to yourself, feeling a warm tear stream down that cold cheek, warming it a little. You chocked on your words as you said that line.  

You woke up in a white room to see a blue hedgehog, what it seemed like was there weren't any walls, but there was just a white abyss everywhere you looked. Sorta like space, lonely. You were floating, not walking, and every now and then you would accidentally do a tumble turn in the air. You finally reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around but he wasn't the Sonic you were used to. Black eyes with blood-red pupils, blood streaming down his eyes and sharp white fangs were to be seen as he smiled at you. You could see hatred, anger, but also, those eyes. In a flash, he wiped the blood from his eyes and it soaked through his white gloves. Then he strangled you, "S-sonic...? It's m-me!" 

"i DoNt KnOw YoU" 

You woke up, frightened. Who was that creature?  You wiped your eyes and stood up from the hard bench and moved towards the cell door. Still half asleep, you went to open the door and suddenly remembered you got captured by Eggman. If only you took that communicator from Knuckles when you joined the team. You would have been saved by now and off with your day, or well, night. It was still dark, but you could see the sky was gradually turning pink and orange. Very slowly, the sun was moving its way upwards. Then you hear that sound, that sound which you've heard a thousand times before. The sound of Sonic's running. You scream his name, no matter how much the room echoed, you just wanted him to know you were in this cell all alone.

"Sonic, please! Sonic please listen to me! P-Please!" 

"Y/N? I-Is that you?" His voice sounded as if you guys were both on one end of a sewer tunnel yelling to each other, as if you two were kids finding something to do. "Where are you?" Long seconds passed, but you didn't answer his question. He was calling your name which felt like forever but you again, didn't answer. You knew that the sunrise could also connect both of you too, so you just waited until the sun made its way upwards into the sky. He was gone...

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