Behind the Scenes Special Post #3

Start from the beginning

Moving to the next category: Tools.

There isn’t much yet in this area; mostly I’ll just be covering the need for scrolls and the cuffs Hisayo wears.

Talking about scrolls first… As said before in regards to Akio, he keeps his sword stowed away in a scroll. He also has the scroll with the contract between him and Karasu, and he is able to summon the bird without the use of the scroll.

 Ken has scrolls that he uses to erect barriers with. He also is noted to having many scrolls from which he studies from that mostly deal with the use of barriers, which he had shown a great interest in shortly after becoming a chunin.

 Hisayo has her three basic summoning scrolls, though now she only has two due to having to destroy one when her summons from that particular scroll turned on her. Of the other two, one of them she uses to summon a full pack of eight wolves, though she is able to individually summon wolves as shown with Myukyu on several occasions. She has still yet to use the third scroll that she always carries around with her, but it can be assumed that that scroll is meant to summon ‘Zenko’ as she has mentioned the possibility of having to summon him in the past before.

The last things to talk about in this category of tools are the three cuffs that Hisayo wears on both of her wrists and around her neck. The cuffs are restrainers that keep Hisayo from using and losing control over her demonic blood. While she is able to have access to her chakra, her power levels are at a normal and safe level. Removing one cuff exposes her demonic features and grants her more chakra and power usage. Removing two gives her even more access to her demonic strength and ability, but it is more dangerous for her. The reason is because her control over herself then is very shaky to a certain point, with Ookami clan member blood mostly being the cause for an uncontrollable state. (As seen in chapter twelve of season one.) It is even stated by Akio that she has no control over herself if all three cuffs are removed from her. It is a mystery to Akio as to why it is that the cuffs, made of a certain material from the Land of Lightning, work using only that type of material and also why it is that Ookami blood affects her to that degree.

Now to the final category: Jutsus!!! :D

Hisayo, for whatever odd reasons, forms her lightning-based attacks both with and without the use of hand seals. This could probably be attributed to her demon origins to a point as she- and Satoru- often give off electrical sparks and currents when emotions get very out of hand. This allows us to also assume that their demon ancestors were lightning users since the normal Ookami clan members are all earth-based jutsu users.

She does use hand seals to form one particular technique called Lightning Wolves, which is probably the only kind of actual ninjutsu seen by her thus far. She produces four wolves which are made completely from lightning. They disappear after they make contact with their target; in most cases paralyzing the limbs in which they bite. It is stated in Chapter four that Hisayo actually modeled her jutsu after Akio’s own fire-based one.

Since we’re on the discussion of whom she modeled her jutsu after, let’s take a look at Akio’s. While it isn’t odd for a shinobi to know how to use more than one affinity, it is a bit of a mystery as to how it is that Akio can use fire-based jutsu, and even more of a mystery as to how it is he knows the Fireball Jutsu, a jutsu that was formed and used by the Uchihas. Anyway, back to the Blazing Wolves Jutsu. Akio can form a total of six flaming wolves that can attack without disappearing like Hisayo’s wolves do. The fire wolves can be used to trap an opponent in a circle of fire, blending together to make the ring of fire whole. Akio has the natural affinity for earth-based jutsus and uses a wide array of them, most of which are unnamed as of yet.

A technique that is unique to Akio is the Recall and Sealing Jutsu. This jutsu is used on Hisayo in the event that Hisayo goes out of control with her demonic side (refer to the Tools portion of this post). When this jutsu is employed, golden lights wrap around Hisayo and restrain her, while at the same time, the removed cuffs are gathered by the same light and placed back on her. It is said to be a painful process for her to go through as her demonic blood is suppressed.

Akio has one other jutsu that is collaborative with Karasu. It is an eye switching technique that as it suggests, switches the points of view that the two have. Akio can basically see what Karasu is seeing up in the air while maintaining his own body’s motion, and the same is said for Karasu. Akio uses this technique to scout terrain ahead as well as to also help find targets that are otherwise hard to track on the ground.

As with all Ookami clansmen, Akio and Hisayo have a Kekkei Genkai to shape shift into wolves. Little is known about this bloodline technique—any shortcomings it may have or if there is anything more unique about the bloodline—but the story that has been passed down throughout time since the clan’s formation has been told to Kakashi by Akio (refer to Chapter 20 of season one.).

Okay, so let’s talk about Hisayo’s brats for now.

Apart from focusing chakra down her whip, Suzume hasn’t yet displayed any other abilities to use chakra. She was skilled enough, however, to pass her chunin exam the first time around, so she must have some kind of skills and abilities other than what has been shown to have so far.

Akira was—and in some ways still is—a student of Akio as it was asked of Akio to help train him for a re-take in the chunin exams after Akira had failed the first time through during the time skip. The reason for Akio’s involvement in Akira’s training was because it was discovered that Akira had a natural affinity toward earth styles, and Akio, being of the same based affinity, was perfect for the job.

Ken was the second one of the team to pass his chunin exams on the first go-around. Ken is a sensor type that can focus his chakra to find his targets be they human or other (like the centipede in the first chapter of season two). He had just started his sensor training toward the end of season one and has, since the time skip, improved greatly. It isn’t explained exactly why Ken grew an interest in barriers, but he did just after his chunin exams. The barriers he can put up vary and also depend on what the situation calls for. He can use his barriers to contain attacks, or even deflect them. He is able to use barriers that defend from particular types of attacks, like fire, as shown with his training with Akio (chapter five of season 2 reference.). He is also noted to defend with barriers against lightning and earth-style attacks.

And that seems to be about it for the time-being, people. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. I don’t know what I’ll do for the next post, but when I figure it out, I’ll be quick to post it :P

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