Season 2: Chapter Special #1 - First Winter Festival

Start from the beginning

“Be careful with her, Kurenai; she might try to bolt.” Akio gave a laugh at the rare, openly confused, and surprised face on Hisayo that he had just witnessed before she had disappeared with Kurenai into the street-side shop.

“Not a problem Akio-san, just give me a few minutes.” Came the sound of Kurenai’s struggling voice, followed by several undecipherable curses and angered grunts.

“Hisayo, hold still.” The curtain violently rustled.

“What is the meaning of all of this?”

“It’s for the beginning of the festival, that’s what, now, stop struggling.” A rip was then heard.

“M-my, clothes! How dare you!”

“Oh hush and just start putting this on.”

“You can’t be serious!”

Akio raised an eyebrow curiously. What had Kurenai chosen for Hisayo’s kimono? She had let him know what to expect back at the Hokage’s office when the Third had happily given his orders to him (to have Hisayo fitted and ready to celebrate that evening with everyone else). He was beginning to have second thoughts, though. What if Kurenai’s taste wasn’t fitting with Hisayo’s and this little tactic used in getting Hisayo to participate failed?

“Kurenai, let go!” A couple of crashing sounds were then heard followed by a—was that a sandal flying out of the dressing room?

Akio gave a nervous sweat followed by a sheepish chuckle. Okay…so maybe things weren’t going as planned. “Uh, Kurenai, perhaps I should-” He began to offer to help, but was cut off by her strained voice.

“Al-most…DONE! There.” A pleasant sounding kunoichi said. “Now for your hair.”

“What? I’ve had enough already. Let me go now.”

“Sorry, Hisayo, but this is all for you.” Akio flinched back nervously at the sound of ropes being snapped. He could almost imagine the triumphant, but also, scary look on Kurenai’s face as she continued to ready Hisayo for the festival’s opening night.


“Sorry Hisayo, but I promised I wouldn’t intervene.” Akio couldn’t help but give a small chuckle at her expense.

“Ouch!! Kurenai, stop pulling my hair with that comb!”

“You whine too much Hisayo. I’m surprised really; I didn’t think that you would put up such a fuss when you’re normally so reserved.”

“Well this is different. You are invading my personal space!” A few shocks of electricity then shot out of the dressing area.

“Hey, don’t make me put you under a genjutsu!” A gasp was then heard from Kurenai. “My blouse!”

Akio then heard a light, victorious chuckle from Hisayo. “That’s what you get.”

Akio gave a very heartfelt laugh. Never would he have imagined Hisayo to get to a level so comfortable with others that she would give a fight without actually hurting the other person. Had it been another time, place, and under different circumstance, then she wouldn’t have stood for anything that she was being subjected to such as this, and she would have already blown up the poor shop.

“I can hear you laughing, sensei!”

Akio quickly covered his mouth to calm his laughter, failing to do so, that is, until the curtain was pulled open and he saw Kurenai’s work.

“I present to you your student, Akio-san.”


Kakashi gave a lazy side-way glance from his little orange book, checking on Guy’s pace of setting up decorations…all around their neighborhood...the entire neighborhood. The Sublime, Green Beast of Prey could be seen whizzing back and forth along the street; setting up lanterns, other light fixtures, and silver streamers that would sparkle as they caught the lantern’s light, thus giving off the impression of snow glimmering in the sunlight. Next, on Guy’s self-given list and challenge was to paint masks for the festival to hand out to the neighbors—masks representing the animals of the zodiac.

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