Chapter Forty Eight

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"If only you and I could meet in the middle."

I woke up to the sunlight peaking in through my bedroom curtains, the headache hitting me the moment I opened my eyes.

Letting everything from the night before come flooding in, reminding me of what happened.

Jolting upwards, I slipped out of my bed before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. I could feel my heart racing rapidly in my chest as I made my way into the kitchen.

Flicking on the lights, heading over towards the fridge. Pulling the door open I grabbed a bottle of water and dropped down to one of the stools.

My phone being blown up with missed calls and texts, that I wouldn't be answering at all today.

Jessica was dead.

I lost my best friend last night and I didn't know how to feel - it wasn't possible. Just this numb wave washing over me the more I thought about it.

My heart shattering when I realized I needed to go see Julianna and let her know about her sister.

I sobbed out when I hear the floorboards creak outside the kitchen, the door swinging open slowly to reveal him standing there.

Leaning against the wall, a small frown on his face when he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me.

Sitting down on a stool across from me, raising an eyebrow, "You need to breathe." He whispered out, standing to his feet and walking around like he couldn't just stay still.

He rummaged through things while I sat there with my head in my hands, my entire body shaking. An overload of emotions I couldn't control nor wanted to hitting me.

It felt like my world was spinning out of control, it wasn't my life anymore. I was in the backseat watching my life unfold in front of me.

They say as time passes by the pain would become easier to deal with, but what if you've lost too many loved ones?

"She died because of me." I cried out, my entire body shaking.

My head pounding as last nights events all replayed in my head, drowning me because I could've found a way to prevent it all.

He took Griffen from me, and tried taking Selena away. He took my best friend away, if only I had gotten there sooner.

Perhaps I'd be dealing with a different outcome.

I didn't have many people I could trust, and Clive knew it. Which is why I was such a great target for him.

Someone broken down, everything taken from them. He was pulling one of his fathers famous moves.

You break a person down, destroying any love they had left - and if that doesn't work, you kill their love.

He put himself on my radar, making me chase him down over the years. Before finally realizing I wouldn't give up, so he killed my family in hopes of stopping me.

Going into hiding, only to come back out to play when he found out I was still indeed searching for him and I wouldn't give up until I found him.

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