Chapter Ten

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"Tragedies happen all the time all across the world, yet it keeps spinning - there's got to be a reason for that."

I walked through the lunchroom, smiling at Wesley who was currently struggling with making a cup of coffee.

I snort out and make my way towards him, messing up his hair, "How's it going?" I drawl out, raising an eyebrow at him.

He shot me a deadpanned look and sighed out, "Wonderfully, couldn't you tell?" He retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes at me.

I snickered out under my breath before clamping my mouth shut when the sergeant walked in.

"There's a shootout at a carnival near Wallace street, we need you guys down there." He says leaving the room quickly.

My heart was racing as I followed Wesley out of the room, heading out to his car. I pulled on my vest and slipped into the passenger side.

He jumps in behind the wheel and speeds off down the street, it looked like it was about to downpour which wouldn't be that great.

When Wesley pulled up into the parking lot there were people running around, screaming out loudly, grabbing their children.

Chills ran down my spine and I could feel my throat closing over when Wesley shot me a look, a knowing expression on his face.

I sighed out and closed my eyes, breathing in deeply, we head towards all the commotion, gun shots still breaking out.

My eyes roamed the park and narrowed on a man, lying in the grass, blood coming from his mouth. I rush over and drop down next to him, he was shot in the chest twice.

I chewed the inside of my cheek, feeling my head grow light as I glanced around, my eyes landing on Wesley as he approached me, every so often looking around when gunfire would break out.

I stood to my feet, trying to figure out where it was coming from when my eyes landed on a kid running.

There were men dressed in black chasing after him with their guns raised, firing at him but missing, my heart dropped in my chest and I started running towards the boy, pulling my gun out.

I could hear Wesley shouting after me but I ignored his calls and kept running, pain exploding everywhere in my body.

There were four of them, they were so consumed with trying to catch the boy that they didn't see me running straight towards them, I shot two of them in the leg when the other two spun around, raising their guns at me. I sucked in a breath and raised my hands slightly.

"There's no need for anymore violence, the boys coming with me." I state, locking eyes with the scared child who hid behind a tree, watching us silently.

The men stood there, before raising their guns at me, one was shot in the chest and fell to the ground while the other one took a bullet to the leg, I spun around and felt my chest fill with relief when my eyes landed on Wesley standing there, his gun raised and eyes narrowed on me.

"Thank you." I whispered out, before I found the boy.

He came out from behind the tree and started running towards us, he threw his arms out and wrapped them around me, hugging me tightly. I could feel my throat tightening, so much panic and hurt swarming around, haunting me.

I patted his back gently and pulled away, trying to hide the way my hands shook, "What's you're name?" I questioned softly, looking down at him.

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