Chapter Thirty One

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"There's a voice calling out, helping me from this downward spiral."

I stood outside the warehouse, pulling on one of my bullet proof vests before popping the trunk to my car, grabbing both my hand guns and an AK in case there were too many men.

Lately, I didn't care about what happened to those on the opposing end, they chose their fate.

Or perhaps I was just heartless.

My hair whipping around my face as the wind picked up, the night sky growing darker. I could see a few men walking around the building.

When a large white van pulled up near the edge of the building, before parking in its spot. I placed my hand guns in my waistband, holding the AK as I walked around the building.

Taking out one of the guys silently near the back door to the building, hiding his body before sneaking inside, making sure to go unhidden.

Watching as men ushered woman into the warehouse, the girls in nothing but their bra and panties, no doubt freezing from how much the temperature dropped.

My eyes scan over their faces when I feel my heart sink in my chest, my eyes landing on her standing there with her arms folded over her chest.

Her red curls a mess around her face, and her blue eyes held so much fear in them. I feel my fingers curl and I searched around before stepping forward.

A few men started shouting as I approached the girls, my black jacket covering my bullet proof vest, and my other guns.

"Name yourself!" A man snapped but I ignored his request, my eyes still on Selena as I moved closer.

Feeling my stomach churn, I didn't want her here to witness my destruction, already knowing how this scenario would play out.

The man moved closer to me as I snickered out, "Detective Smith." I answered and that's when Selena's head snapped over.

Her eyes widening when they landed on me, then she began shaking her head as the tears welled up in her eyes.

I shot her a smile before looking over at the man approaching me, "Boss man wants you to suffer a slow death." He drawls out, raising his gun.

Smirking, I rose an eyebrow at him, "I am death." I replied, lunging forward while jabbing my knife deep into his throat.

Gunfire breaking out immediately, "Drop to the ground!" I shouted, looking over at the girls.

Holding the mans dead body in my arms as a shield from their bullets. The girls drop to the floor quickly, when I release my hold of the mans body.

Grabbing the AK before spinning around the room, firing bullets at the men before they could even think about firing at me.

They drop like flies to the ground when I hear shouting from outside, "Sel, take em' outside, officers will be here in ten." I snapped.

I watched as they stood up quickly, all glancing around when Selena makes a move towards me, shaking my head, I raise a hand up, "I was never here." I whispered out.

Walking towards the main entrance when more men started swarming in, "Out the back door!" I shouted at them before turning my back to her, walking towards the gunfire.

They all rush out as I take down another man, firing a few rounds into his chest when I run out, dropping the AK and grabbing one of my hand guns before running towards them.

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