Chapter Four

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I drop down to her couch, lying my bag on the floor next to me while I watched her pace around, dragging her hand down her face.

Her short brown hair was tied back and she looked stressed, and the way she kept looking at me caused my stomach to tie in knots.

"Listen, I know you and Griffin worked with Derek. I need answers on what you guys did, I'm following this guy who kills agents and-"

"Hayley, I can't, it's not my place to say anything-"

I stood to my feet fast, throwing my hands in the air, "Who's place is it? Derek's dead! And Griffin won't tell me anything!" I shouted.

My heart was racing in my chest and I could feel the tears prickle my eyes, wanting to escape but I shook my head, sighing out deeply.

I felt defeated.

"If this man goes after you or Griffin - I can't lose anymore people." I added on softly, catching her eyes.

She sipped away at her wine, shooting me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry Hayley, if anyone knows that you know, you would be in danger-"

"I need to know, otherwise I'll make a few calls and get in touch with whoever you work for, and so help me God I will find out the truth-"

"Most of our work was off the books!" She shouted out, cutting me off.

I sat there , my eyes never leaving hers while I curled my fingers, my heart slamming in my chest. What the hell was Derek doing?

She dragged a hand down her face, grumbling under her breath, "Just like this conversation, off the books - never happened." She seethed, I could understand why she was frustrated but I needed answers.

My heart ached at the thought, all of the things Derek never told me. All the things he's kept from me or lied to me about.

My heart couldn't shatter anymore.

"We did the lower ranking off the book jobs, just small hits against bad men who-"

"You guys murdered people?!" I snapped, my eyes growing wide.

She grunted out, "We had jobs to take care of, boss man never gave me any of the big jobs but Derek and Griffin worked them a lot." She mumbles out, filling up her wine glass.

I rose an eyebrow and she grabbed another wine glass, filling it up halfway before sliding it over to me.

"There's been plenty of men who've tried to take out our agents, because of what was done to them or their families." She breathed out, chugging her wine.

I take a few sips of the wine, raising an eyebrow at her, "Families?" I questioned.

She caught my eyes and I could see pain and regret flicker through them as she stared at me, her hands crossed in her lap.

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