Chapter Forty

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"What a time to be alive, finding chaos and destruction all in love."


She got me completely losing my mind every second, not knowing whether or not Aaron already got to her.

Always being incredibly reckless, not caring for her own life. It was hard keeping someone alive who didn't want to live.

It was like she went out searching for trouble, but I couldn't say anything nor judge because that's exactly what I did.

I went out looking for a fight, trying to end something that's been running for years now, and that was the Clyde Family's Dynasty.

Needing to take them all down.

It wasn't all that hard while having the detective around, she already took out Kimberly Clyde.

A wild card.

I took the guy out, before walking into the room with her sitting in the centre. Covered head to toe in blood, her hands shaking by her sides.

"What the fuck is this?" I snapped, dragging my hands down my face, feeling my chest tighten.

Knowing she really put herself in the grave this time, killing Charles Clyde would be one of her biggest mistakes.

There were already men out searching for her and she decides to kill Aaron's older brother.

"A dead fucking body, what the hell did you think it is?" She shot back, anger dancing across her face.

So much conflict running through her eyes as she caught mine. "It was him or me." She added on softly.

She paced around while staring down at her hands, her shoulders falling forward when she met my eyes, "Sometimes good people have to become bad in order to save the ones they care about." She says lowly.

Which only caused my own anger to rise, because there was no way I'd let the detective crumble into being a low life killer.

She was too good, too pure for that. Sure, she's done some bad things but it didn't make her a terrible person.

"Fuck that." I shouted, pacing around the room while avoiding her eyes.

Not wanting to scare her, but knowing I needed to get my message across, "Fuck that bullshit because your too good of a person to become a murderer." I added on softer.

I shook my head, trying to control my anger but in this moment it seemed impossible, there was no way I'd let her turn into someone like me.

"Hell, Sometimes thats the only thing I know; I know you always see the best in people, you save everyone around you but who's going to save you?" I chewed out, looking over at her.

Her arms cross over her chest as she swayed there in her spot, her eyes distant as she let my words soak in.

"That's what I have you for." She whispers softly, so light I almost didn't catch it.

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