Chapter Twenty One

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"and now your gone and it's fucking killing me."

The first week after I gave birth to Gemma, I wasn't myself at all, just a zombie full of misery, missing a memory.

It was like all of my life was drained from me when I gave birth to her, later would I realize that I was suffering from a small case of postpartum depression.

After I realized that my little girl needed me, a normal mom, I seemed to snap out of my daze, watching her grow so fast right in front of my eyes.

Her first tooth, to losing her first tooth. I wanted to be someone she could look up to, to know that it was okay to be weird - to be yourself.

Everything I ever did, was for her. My one true angel in this life, the only gem I would ever need.

Her laugh would instantly put a smile on your face, so affectionate and loving. She was a sweet little girl, but could also be a demon.

She got that from me.

Staring down at my hands, I snapped myself out of my thoughts, glancing around the dark room when his figured reappeared. Nearly giving me a heart attack.

I rose an eyebrow at him, bringing a hand down my face as I let out a yawn, thankful he had a place I could crash.

It was frustrating at the same time because I knew nothing about this man, I didn't even know his bloody name yet he knew everything about me.

"What do I call you?" I blurted, squeezing my eyes shut when he draws back the curtains, letting the sunlight seep into the dark room.

He smirked, raising a brow at me, "Nothing, I'm no one to you." He answers, his voice calm and controlled.

"Alright, peace." I say, jumping to my feet before stumbling around when my head grew light, the room spinning around me.

He goes to reach out when I slapped his hand away, "Your nobody, meaning I don't need your help." I grunted.

I glanced around as he snickered behind me, watching as I fumbled around, not really knowing what I was doing.

Grumbling under my breath, I looked back at him, feeling my heart race rapidly in my chest because I didn't know who this man was, or why he was keeping me alive.

"Call me V." He says deeply, looking away when my eyes snapped up, now wide open.

Shock running like a wave over my body; there were so many questions racing through my brain but I clamped my mouth shut, nodding my head silently.

I played with my hands, trying to stop them from shaking, my nerves completely shot. I didn't know what I was doing, nothing making sense to me anymore.

The only thing I knew, was that I was going to end Aaron Clyde.

"Hayley, calm down." His voice says, snapping me out of my thoughts yet again. I was off in my own little world, everything around me disappearing.

I met his eyes, shaking my head, "Can you drop me off somewhere? I've got some business to take care of." I whispered, shifting around on my feet.

He nods his head quietly before leaving the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The time passing by quickly.

Soon, I found myself in the passenger seat of his car, chewing the inside of my cheek as I stared out my window, out at the gloomy cemetery.

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