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On the edge of the rainbow bridge in Asgard, Thor and his brother Loki arrive after the Battle of New York. Thor walked his brother halfway down the bridge when Loki let out a sharp breath. Thor turned to his brother and saw his eyes filled with sorrow and anger. Thor took off the muzzle that prevented the trickster from using his silver tongue. "What is the matter, brother?" Thor asked, concerned for him.

Loki looked to his once-brother and said, almost in a whisper," I am not your brother." Loki continued to walk silently ahead of his adoptive brother until they reached the palace, where they were met by several Einherjar and Frigga. His mother ran up to Loki and hugged him tightly. He gave her a little hug back, as it was all he could do with his hands bound.

They stood like this for several minutes until one of the guards said," It is time to go, my queen."

Frigga lifted Loki's chin up gently and said, "Be strong. No matter what, you will always be my son." Loki felt comforted by his mother's touch and nodded. Frigga was touched by the guard as a signal to go.

As his mother backed away from him Loki whispered," I love you mother."

Thor left Loki and the guards to comfort Frigga as her son was led to his trial.


Loki walked up slowly to the throne where Odin was sitting. He stopped at the foot of the throne and one of the guards forced him onto his knees. Loki picked at his left hand, a nervous tick he had gotten from his mother, as his knelt there before his adoptive father. "Loki Laufeyson," Odin said as Loki frowned at him."You have committed many crimes against the throne of Asgard and the people of earth. But, your mother has vouched for you and has led to the lightening of your punishment." Loki thanked his mother in his head for her kindness towards him.

"You are to spend the rest of your days on Midgard, in the care of the Avengers. They will have full say over what they do with you and how you are to act when you are there. This is my final word."

Loki sat there with a shocked expression and, on the verge of tears, nodded silently. Odin then said to the guards standing behind Loki," Take the prisoner to Thor and tell him of Loki's sentence. He will know how to get to earth again."

The guards pulled Loki off his knees and brought him to Thor to carry out Odin's orders.


"Sir, Thor has returned. He is on the balcony."

"Thanks, JARVIS!" said Tony.

Tony gathered the Avengers and brought them to the balcony to meet their comrade. Thor hugged his friends who welcomed him back. It was then they noticed that Thor wasn't alone. Loki stood there like he had when he left, bound and cut in various places. They asked Thor why he had brought him back and Thor told them of Odin's orders.

"Do we get ANY say in this?" Clint complained.

"No," said Thor and Tony simultaneously.

Loki then said tiredly," Yeah, I'm not happy with this situation either."

Bruce then spoke up, "I can take him down to the prisoner level while you guys discuss this."

Thor nodded and Loki followed Bruce into the skyscraper.

Loki's VoiceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz