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"And why aren't you allowed any playdates this week?" Namjoon questioned the younger girl who was wrapped in a towel, while he dried her hair, she had just had her bath.

"Because I did naughty things with Kookie, Tata and Minnie, so I'm grounded," She explained and Namjoon nodded, "I'm sorry, Daddy,"

"It's okay baby, I just wish you'd be honest with Daddy," Joon replied. When the littles were finally pulled apart from each other, Eunhye immediately started defending her friends who were in extra trouble for unestablished rules and such. She was honest with Namjoon about how she liked being intimate with her little friends, and that she would never go too far, that she knew boundaries. Joon was as understanding as always, which is why he wasn't surprised to find Eunhye in the position that she was in. Still, the way she was so willing to spurt any random lie to her Daddy, just to protect her friends who were equally in the wrong, rubbed him in the wrong way.

Which is how they got to this point, Eunhye wasn't in a lot of trouble but her daddy decided that for the next week she wouldn't be allowed to see her friends who were all in just as much trouble.

"Do you still love me, Daddy?" Eunhye innocently asked and Namjoon chuckled pulling the little into his lap, not bothered by whether his jeans got wet or not.

"Of course I do, silly baby."

"Eunnie doesn't mean to get carried away. I just love my friends a lot, when it was just me and Kookie we used to do lots of stuffs together, so it's something unweird to me." Eunhye explained and Namjoon listened intently.

"I understand that baby but just because you love them doesn't mean you lie to Daddy," He replied, "That's why Daddy is upset, we're supposed to be a team so you can't lie to Daddy."

"I didn't thought of that, Daddy," Eunhye pouted, wrapping her arms around her caregiver, "I'm sowwy, Daddy~"

"It's okay, cupcake," Namjoonsmiled and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too,"

"Now let's get you dressed before Daddy can't stop himself from kissing you all over." Namjoon teased before biting her soft cheek, that was now tinted pink


Eunhye skipped out of her little room and jumped onto Namjoon's lap who was perched on the sofa, watching a documentary on crabs.

"Daddy~" She called,

"Yes, baby?" He answered, eyes not moving from the TV screen,

"Play with me! Please!" She grinned from ear to ear as she wiggled in his lap, "Come play, Space Mermaids~ Me and Jimin and Tae and Kook play it all the time~"

"Daddy is watching this, darling," Namjoon frowned, "How about we finish watching this, and then we'll play. That's my compromise,"


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