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"They say, when life gives you lemons, you make a lemonade out of it. And that is just what I did. Life is full of ups and downs but we have the power to ensure that we do not drown when we are down. We have to fight back whenever there's a challenge, We can't surrender to our issues and give our problems the upper hand. We need to keep winning every battle we face in life because the battles never end until the last day.

The power of two thousand would always be greater than that of a thousand. Those two could never be the same. As much as we would love to fight our battles ourselves, w can always do better with the help of our loved ones. We need not fight them alone. When you have those who love you surrounding you, you can never be alone.

I thought I could do it alone until I found those who love me. It may seem as though no one loves you in this world but be not wary for you will always be cherished by someone, even though you may not be aware of it. I am glad I found these ones whom I now call my family. They showed me what love was all about and also taught me how to love, and I would be forever grateful to them for love. 

I can stand today and share my story to encourage others because of them. The healing process is always painful. There's a whole lot that would need to be shredded for the healing to take place - malice, unforgiveness, self-guilt, and so on. But, it's a different story entirely at the end. At the end of it all, you will be able to look back and laugh at it all. You will be able to smile at those memories that once haunted you because then, they would no longer have any power over you.

Never let anyone rob you of your bright future. It's all a part of the making. See yourself as that priceless stone which has to pass through the furnace to remove all impurities from itself. Don't give in to depression, never let it steal your joy. Forgive those who have hurt you and encourage others to do likewise. Thank you for this great opportunity to share with you my success story. This speech can never be complete without me appreciating Dr. Louisa. Thank you for not giving up on me. I would be forever grateful for your help " I said. This was a small group meeting for counseling, where we share our challenges and encourage one another

After Ralph and I got back from Greece, I continued to see Dr. Louisa. She was so happy I had told Ralph about it. That woman is of a pure heart, bless her soul. She helped me through my healing process. At one point in time, I had to visit my parents. It was a sad period for me. Mom needed a transplant, that was why they tried to extort money from me, to pay for the hospital bills. I wish they had come clean about the purpose of the money then. I settled the rest of the bills for them. 

My parents apologized greatly for all their wrongs towards me. The tears were unending. I really wished things had ended in a better way for them but I guess they still have themselves nonetheless.

Ralph and I are still together. He has been a great companion all the way. He never for once left me and I'm grateful for it. John has been the father I never had. I was treated like I were his daughter. Ramon is still his playful self and is currently dealing with his heartthrob. Joe and Judith, two amazing friends, I could never trade them for anything in this world. They orchestrated my meeting with Ralph and I'm glad they did.

I felt lighter since the day I made peace with everyone who had offended me and everything that had happened. It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off. My relationship with my peers got better. Who knew there were more beautiful things to enjoy in life? I'm glad I found love in the midst of it all, Love Unending.

Thank you for reading!

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