Chapter 9

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We took the private elevator to his penthouse, he typed in code meant specifically for the penthouse. He told me the code, said I might be needing it soon. Like I would!

This suite is exquisite. Every item screamed wealth. The chandeliers are so beautiful, arranged in the form of a star. The sitting area isn't so spacious but each item was arranged in a thoughtful manner. Though he used monochrome colors for the apartment, it wasn't dull in color, the shades fit in properly.

"Welcome to my humble abode. Feel free to look around. Would you like to have a drink? " he asked while going towards the refrigerator.
I nodded affirmatively.
"We have a soda, beer, juice, which do you prefer? "

"Soda is fine by me " I replied. He tossed the soda can towards me and opened a can of beer for himself and sat on the stool facing the island. He patted the seat next to him, inviting me to sit with him.

"So, why did you call me? Please don't bother going back to your story about the investment. We all know that you could have called your assistant to fix the meeting for anytime next week, considering the fact that I'm in no rush for you to accept the offer.

But, you decided to call me on a weekend for an official meeting, which is very unlike you. So, tell me, if you were in my shoes, wouldn't you find this fishy? "

"No? "

"You shouldn't answer a question with a question, my dear Amy," he said, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"Why did you want to see me urgently? " he asked, moving his seat closer to mine.

Clearing my throat, I answered,
"I know about your involvement in the party. "
I could see the reaction on his face, now he is acting clueless. Really?

"There's no need to deny it. I got the info from a very trusted source. "

"Trust, you say. A pretty strong word, don't you think? You don't seem like one who trusts easily "

"And is that supposed to be a crime in your books. Last I checked, I have every right to my choices "

"Yes, you do. But, wouldn't you be concerned if your choices affected those things you care about or the people involved in your life? "

"I think we should stick to the issue at hand and stop digressing. I don't want to be in a relationship with you Ralph, the two of us are not compatible "

"And how did you come to such a conclusion? I thought Crystalz & Pearlz were all about giving chances to those who have been denied such, hope to the hopeless or isn't that what your mission statement entails? "

"You are giving me a headache Ralph. Why are we going on this long debate? I can't date you. I don't want to, I shouldn't be forced to do what I don't want to do. " I asserted.

I mean, it's my opinion as to our compatibility and its also my choice on who I date too. I stood up from where we were both seated.

"Can we just stick to being business partners? I'm not sure I want anything more than that right now in my life. I don't want any complications, besides, I can't give you what you want. I don't want to start what wouldn't get anywhere, okay? "

I placed my hand on my head. This conversation is really draining me. There are many fishes in the sea, I see no reason for him being adamant in my case. He should find himself one of those skimpy skeletons which call themselves models that escort him to dinners.

I didn't know he had moved close to where I was till I felt his hand lightly on waist. He turned me around to face him and removed my hand from my head.

"I'm sorry for pushing you, okay? That was never my intention Amy. But I would like to ask, what exactly do you mean by you can't give me what I want? I don't remember asking for anything, well, apart from the dates which you have rejected.

What can't you give me? Your trust? I don't expect you to trust me immediately. We just met. We need time to get to know ourselves, that was all I asked for. I didn't want to act in a confusing manner, hence, why I stated my intentions clearly. So, I'm listening to Amy, what can't you offer? "

"Sex " I replied. I didn't care if he would like my answer or not. They all say they don't mind till they became a bother about the same topic.

"Sex? " he asked exasperated.
"Yes, sex " I affirmed.

"You think I did all these because of sex? If I wanted an easy lay, I don't need to go through all these for that. Okay, that came out wrong " he rubbed his face, guess he's getting frustrated with everything. Then, why not give up?

He held my face in his hands, looked into my eyes and said,
"Can we just give this a trial? Everything will be on your terms. Please. I promise to behave. I want to earn your trust, bit by bit. Please give me a chance. "

I was about to respond when he pulled me in for a kiss. Well, that was long overdue. It was soft and gentle. He paused and waited for my permission to continue. I pulled him in and that was the end of every resistance. We both pulled out to catch our breath. Okay, what just happened right now! I'm drawn to him no matter how hard I try to resist. I can't base my future relationships on the past ones. No harm in seeing how far we can go right?

"One chance is all you get, you mess this up and we are done. All on my terms. No demands whatsoever. Agreed? "

He smiled, tracing kisses down my neck. He is so distracting!
"Hey! "

"Agreed baby. Agreed. No demands. "
He kissed me on the lips briefly.
"Thank you for this "

"I need to go now, it's getting late," I said.

"Take care. "

"No goodbye kiss? " he asked pouting. He's such a baby!

"What happened to no demands? " I asked.

"You are really mean " he feigned hurt.

"Don't make rules you can't keep. " I said winking,

"Goodbye Ralph "
He stood beside me, waiting for me to change my mind. Where's the fun in giving in? I hugged him and left.

"I will get you back for this babe," he said as the elevator closed.
I smiled and waved. Hmm! What have I gotten myself into? Something good I hope.

So Ralph and Amy huh?!......... Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT while you enjoy the story. xoxo

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