Chapter 18

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John chuckled. Ralph can be a baby at times.
"Come in son, I was wondering when you were going to start looking for Amelia, you barely allowed her to see me. Don't you think you are turning into a caveman? " his father teased.

"Very funny dad. Don't think we didn't notice how you acted around those men who smiled at mom, even those glancing at her were not left out. " Ralph retorted.

"See Amelia, my son has no respect for his father. He keeps piercing my heart with his words. Will you just stay with me and mend my broken heart love " John said. I smiled. They want to put me in the middle. No no no no! I'm not going to be a party to a childish banter between father and son.

Just then, Ramon walked in. Here comes my escape route.
"She's freaking fine. Why were you then worried? " he yelled at Ralph as soon as he saw me.
"You just want to make me more miserable than I am. You don't care about my own love " he said sulking.

"Oh poor Ramon, let me console your broken heart," I said. He looked at me skeptically, gauging my words with my reactions. I quickly whispered into his ears how I needed to escape and he picked it up. Ramon can be a drama queen. He broke down in fake tears and I had to lead him out of the room, with Ralph and John shouting behind us about how they also needed tender loving care.

Ramon and I parted ways at the staircase that led to our rooms. He needed to get through to his heartthrob and I needed to rest.
I was informed that dinner would be brought to the room. That's nice because I'm too lazy to go down to eat.

Ralph came in a while after. His father had told him about how I was the intern his mother had asked them to find. He was a bit surprised.

Who knew I would walk in myself. The information they had about me was pretty vague. I had left the state then for my masters, immediately after my internship and I had no info on any social medium, so I was pretty much untraceable. And he had forgotten about it.

"Are you not curious about your prize? " he asked.

"Oh, that! Well, your dad said it was here so I figured he would show me later or something. I actually forgot about the prize since I heard I had been disqualified. "

"Come let me show you a part of it," he said.

"Oh, Ralph! You should treat matters of the stomach with utmost importance okay? "

He looked at me puzzled, trying to figure out what I meant. I guess he finally got it because he's been laughing since. A knock was heard, I told them to come in and the maidens brought in dinner

"I never took you for a foodie " he teased.

"Hey! You turned me into this. You spoiled me with good food, that's on you " I said.

"Have you been starving yourself? " he asked

"No, of course not. How would I have survived? I barely ate homemade meals. I eat out mostly. " I replied.
That was part of the reason. The other half was because every meal I cooked at home reminded me of my time at my family house. I was the cook there and I do not enjoy visiting such memories.

"Well, it's a good thing you have me here to spoil you crazy. What other job do I have? " he said winking.

"Managing the company, ring a bell? "

"Ramon can always do that, he's capable. I have enough time to pamper my baby "

"Oh please! Don't complain when I start demanding "

"Never. I won't "

After we were done eating, Ralph took me to the basement. Everywhere looked neat, someone probably came here every time to dust it and ensure its neatness. As we moved further inside, I began to see miniatures, I started counting until I lost count.

"Wow " I exclaimed

"Wow! I know right! Mom made some and won some, from auctions, some gifts, others were submitted during that competition. Come, let me show you yours. "

Mine was sitting on a shelf and labeled the winner. I really did some work on that. I spent a whole month of sleepless nights on it. My neighbor then was very good at it, so, he assisted me with the construction. It really turned out better than we expected.

"Now, to your gift as the winner," he said and led me to another miniature project. I looked at him, wondering how it was a gift. It was just another miniature. I don't think this is the gift. Maybe he is pulling my legs.

"Why? Is it too small? This is only a part of the prize. Oh! Sorry. " he picked up the key lying inside the miniature, it was an apartment miniature.

 " he picked up the key lying inside the miniature, it was an apartment miniature

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"This is the real prize," he said, handing me the keys.

"I still don't understand "

"These keys are for this apartment. The real version of it or how should I put it. Do you understand now? "

"Wow! I have an apartment to myself " I screamed and jumped on him for a hug. It feels good to have an apartment paid for not rented. Those rental fees are the worst, too high!

"I will show you when we get back to New York. Keep the keys till then. Your Ferrari would arrive next week, it has been ordered. She also gave you five percent of her shares in her will. So, I guess what's mine is yours right? "

"Wow! Is this really true or all a dream. Please wake me up "

"It is not a dream babe. You deserve these and more. I love you " he said

"Huh? What did you say? "

"Nothing babe, what did you hear? Let's go back up so that we can have enough rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow "

"Okay. Let's go " I said, linking my hands with his. I heard what he said but I wanted to be sure and he denied it and changed the topic. Maybe he doesn't want to push me. Too late for that cause I've fallen for him already. It's hard to imagine my future without him in it. Is this what love is?

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